If you're at Britain Yearly Meeting in person, you can stop by the bookshop to get advance copies of Quaker Quicks books which are coming out later this year (including Kate McNally's excellent exploration of Quaker faith, pictured). On Saturday 29th from 5:30pm several authors, including me, will be there to talk about and sign books.
#books #Quaker #QuakerQuicks #BookSigning #YearlyMeeting #BYM @quakers @BritishQuakers
#books #quaker #QuakerQuicks #booksigning #yearlymeeting #bym
My first #QuakerQuicks #book, Telling the #Truth about #God, explores how #British #Quakers talk about #religious and #spiritual questions in a #faith #community which is very theologically diverse - including #nontheism, #Christianity, and many other perspectives. It was published in 2019 by Christian Alternative/John Hunt Press and can be ordered from your favourite bookshop - including the Quaker Centre at Friends House, London.
#QuakerQuicks #book #truth #god #british #quakers #religious #spiritual #faith #community #nontheism #christianity