One year ago today I posted this miniature Quantum Leap photo I created just for a bit of fun.
All shot practically using smoke and mirrors, figures and homemade sets
#quantumleap #SamBeckett #toyphotography #toyartistry #photographicart #photo #pennywise #scifiart #parody #humour #miniaturephotography #miniatures #scifi #scifiart
#QuantumLeap #sambeckett #toyphotography #toyartistry #photographicart #photo #pennywise #scifiart #parody #humour #miniaturephotography #miniatures #scifi
Finally watched #QuantumLeap (the reboot) Season 1 Episode 12 about #trans kids in sports.
Heartfelt episode with the incomparable Trace Lysette.
Maybe a little too on the nose at points but very much needed...
@PhilEdwards So this new animated series is a #babylon5 #sliders #quantumLeap mashup. Sheridan is unstuck in time, trying to get home, and probably struggling to put right what once went wrong.
#babylon5 #sliders #QuantumLeap
more movies and tv shows I found on the #Roku channel of interest to #fsf #fantasy #scifi #ScienceFiction fans:
Merlin: 5 seasons #merlin
Sliders: 5 seasons #sliders ❤️
Dead Like Me: 2 seasons #deadLikeMe ❤️
Quantum Leap 5 seasons #quantumLeap ❤️
Caprica: 1 season #caprica ❤️
Babylon 5: 6 seasons #babylon5
Dark Shadows: 1 season #darkShadows
Greatest American Hero: 3 seasons ❤️#GreatestAmericanHero
Space 1999: 2 seasons #space1999
The Red Green Show: 15 seasons #RedGreen ❤️
How Its Made: 32 seasons
assorted b&w tv shows
some #RoboCop movies, but not necessarily the 1st one
some #JackieChan movies: Thunderbolt, the Prisoner, Drunken Master (the beginning),
#roku #fsf #fantasy #scifi #sciencefiction #merlin #Sliders #deadlikeme #QuantumLeap #caprica #babylon5 #darkshadows #greatestamericanhero #space1999 #redgreen #robocop #jackiechan
I finally caught up to the new #QuantumLeap season 1 finale. I have some thoughts about what we're likely to see in season 2 (beyond the obvious, "Ben doesn't make it back home).
The S1 finale, as the culmination of S1, was about saving Addison and everyone within a 3-mile radius. Cool, cool. It did nothing to prevent the nuclear war that set everything in motion.
Now that our team knows about the future nuclear war (or will, once Ben tells them), I imagine that Ziggy is going to be running additional probabilities: What can Ben do during each leap to reduce the likelihood of future armageddon?
Eventually, they'll start worrying about whether stopping the war creates a paradox since Ben wouldn't have leapt without the war.
In the finale, they'll have the probability of war down to 0.01% or something like that. Then Ben leaps. Does that mean the war still happens, or that the paradox doesn't matter? Roll credits.
Just watched the season finale of #QuantumLeap — really great stuff. Loved this reboot and excited for more - glad I DVR’d it to get the glimpse of Season 2 this fall.
When you get the chance watch the new #QuantumLeap
I was a total fan of the original, only getting a bit annoyed when all the later jumps were about famous folk.
This new version, which builds on the original is brilliant. The way the stories are interwoven, and the easter eggs like the Reddit handle, are fab
The cast are great, and loving seeing another non-binary character have such an important role in a #scifi series.
The other I recommend for a great #enby visibility is Another Life.
🚨😳 Trump Launches #QuantumLeap Breaking Down The GOOD, The BAD & The UGLY!
Finally caught up on #QuantumLeap & saw the wonderful episode written & directed by @Shakeenz. Incredibly important that this trans story exists in the current climate. Its wonderful. Its important. Its a must watch episode of television. Even if you dont watch the show, watch it
Things I'll probably maybe post about??
#nerdfighter #dftba #dnd #doctorwho #amazingrace #quantumleap #space #nasa #pokemon #skyrim
#nerdfighter #dftba #dnd #DoctorWho #amazingrace #QuantumLeap #space #NASA #pokemon #skyrim
Boosting on behalf of #QuantumLeap casting! Calling all #trans and #nonbinary background actors! We need YOU! #representationmatters
#QuantumLeap #trans #nonbinary #representationmatters
Artist JJ Lendl is making these awesome #QuantumLeap episode posters which are now available for purchase at!
For those who are #QuantumLeap curious…
Some of my favourite #tv shows today - #thetwilightzone #thexfiles #psych #seinfeld #blackbooks #spaced #fawltytowers #brasseye #alanpartridge #talesfromthecrypt #thecomicstrippresents #theyoungones #bettercallsaul #breakingbad #thesopranos #thetworonnies #nightgallery #strangerthings #talesoftheunexpected #quantumleap #earlyedition #twinpeaks #fatherted #ghosts #pennydreadful #doctorwho #bobsburgers #thesimpsons #glennmichaelscartooncavalcade (yeah, that last one is the most niche).
#TV #thetwilightzone #thexfiles #psych #seinfeld #blackbooks #spaced #fawltytowers #brasseye #alanpartridge #talesfromthecrypt #thecomicstrippresents #theyoungones #bettercallsaul #breakingbad #thesopranos #thetworonnies #nightgallery #strangerthings #talesoftheunexpected #QuantumLeap #earlyedition #twinpeaks #fatherted #ghosts #pennydreadful #doctorwho #bobsburgers #thesimpsons #glennmichaelscartooncavalcade
A sneak peek at what’s coming (including snippets from @dblackanese and my next episode) when #QuantumLeap returns with a run of all-new episodes on January 2.
Stay tuned, Leapers!
Ich glaube ich schaue noch ne Folge #QuantumLeap
:gruppe: @filmeundserien :serien:
One of the major mysteries behind Dr. Ben Song’s leap is revealed on tonight's mid-season finale of #QuantumLeap, written by Emily Kim & directed by Avi Youabian!
Trust me, Leapers, you DO NOT want to miss this one!
Started my career as an Assistant Editor @ #Marvel before making the jump to freelance comic book writer. Have spent the past 14 years as a TV writer/producer with my writing partner Deric A. Hughes (aka @dblackanese on Twitter/Instagram). Currently working on the new #QuantumLeap for NBC and a feature film based on the #BlackCottonStar graphic novel.
So that’s my #introduction. What’s yours?
#marvel #QuantumLeap #BlackCottonStar #introduction
Thank goodness we have a new #QuantumLeap series during these difficult and turbulent times.