#N95, #KN95, #P100 #Masks are most effective against #COVID19. If we are to truly defeat this virus, we must first halt its spread. As long as #SARSCOV2 continues to spread unchecked, it shall continue to mutate, and faster than vaccines can keep up with.
What must be done to #StopTheSpread
1. MASKS, of the type mentioned above and properly worn, go a long way.
2. #AIRFILTRATION, filtering out particles in the air including viruses. This MUST be installed in all publicly accessible buildings, in all rooms and hallways.
3. #VENTILATION, meaning, ensuring that outside air can flow indoors in a way that carries it in and stale air out.
4. #QUARANTINING is still necessary to ensure that the virus cannot be spread. While this is happening, monthly checks of $2,000-$4,000 should be issued to every non-millionaire retroactive to the beginning of the #Pandemic in January 2020. This way, those who lost everything to the pandemic including jobs, homes, etc. can get back at least some of what they had.
5. #RENTCAPS AND #PRICECAPS ON BASIC NECESSITIES must be implemented so that the government is not subsidizing #Landlord profits and so that renters are not being gouged.
6. SAFE, EFFECTIVE #VACCINES designed to prevent infection where it enters the body, namely, the nose, mouth, and eyes.
7. #CONTACTTRACING to allow health care systems to get an idea of who's most at risk and where infections are highest.
This is not a comprehensive list, but it's a good start.
#n95 #kn95 #p100 #masks #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #StopTheSpread #AirFiltration #ventilation #Quarantining #pandemic #RENTCAPS #PRICECAPS #landlord #vaccines #ContactTracing
#Quarantining for the #UK based session because of absurd UK c19 rules (double standard: vaccinated in #Belgium does not equal vaccinated by the NHS). Luckily it's in a lovely space, a #lighthouse
#lighthouse #belgium #uk #Quarantining