@stephie_hamburg hinzu kommt dass #KOSA seitens der Author*inmen explizit dazu dienen soll, #Trans*personen sowie Informationen zu #queer|en Themen aus dem Internet zu verbieten.
Ähnlich #FOSTA, #SESTA & #CloudAct sollte dies Anstoß genug sein, nichts bei #GAFAMs oder in den #USA zu hosten oder zu speichern!
Würde mich nicht wundern wenn bald alle Leute aus den #USA auch @torproject / #TorBrowser lernen müssen so wie in Nahost...
#torbrowser #USA #gafams #cloudact #sesta #fosta #Queer #Trans #KOSA
Gestern https://media.ccc.de/v/chaosdorf-56095-chaos-in-ddorf-open-sour angeschaut über das #Chaosdorf @chaosdorf in #Düsseldorf #NRW in Zusammenarbeit mit #HHU @HHU
Obwohl ich bereits auch schon den Ort erleben durfte, war es sehr angenehm und informativ den Ort in Ruhe per Video nochmals erleben zu dürfen.
Obwohl 2: die Themen welche dort wirken, in Resonanz mit mir gehen, ist da irgendetwas, was mich noch davon abhält, dort regelmäßig vorbei zu schauen. Was könnte das sein?
#Chaosdorf #dusseldorf #NRW #HHU #Queer #sozial #Hacker #politik #freitagsfoo #ccc
I have never, in my adult life, felt less safe to be gay in public in the US
Good call by the #court! But don't get excited or complacent yet. There are still #fascists and #bigots in Texas that want #queer people #invisible and/or #dead and they won't stop until they think they've succeeded.
#BeVigilant #TakePride #LGBT #LoveIsLove
#Texas #federal #judge halts state’s #drag #ban
#iamdb #ban #drag #judge #federal #Texas #LoveIsLove #LGBT #TakePride #bevigilant #dead #invisible #Queer #bigots #fascists #court
Theresa Harris & uncredited black actors have a scene at the railway station • Union Depot • 1932
#theresaHarris #unionStation #unionDepot #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansy #pansyCraze #precode #movies #classic #film #vintage #theater #1930s #pride #lgbt #gay #queer #History #black #drag #dragQueen #newyork #tuesday #tbt #throwbackThursday #broadway #blackAndWhite #hollywood #altText #newYorkCity #video #facebook #tikTok @AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees
#crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #TikTok #Facebook #Video #newyorkcity #alttext #hollywood #BlackAndWhite #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #TBT #tuesday #NewYork #dragqueen #drag #black #History #Queer #gay #LGBT #pride #1930s #theater #vintage #Film #classic #Movies #precode #pansycraze #pansy #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #uniondepot #unionstation #theresaharris
Some people are just loser attention-seeking #assholes, I guess.
Who are these clowns?
#Protesters disrupt Douglas #County, #Colorado, #PrideFest
"Organizers of the event said dozens of men showed up wearing matching t-shirts and tried to block the show."
#iamdb #children #family #pride #LGBT #Queer #USpol #usnews #pridefest #colorado #county #protesters #assholes
a #songoftheday recently:
If you follow WE AID on twitter, you know we too had to learn when we welcomed the first #queer initiatives – & change perspective since
There are SOO MANY amazing ACHIEVEMENTS of queer #artists old & new:
Watch #GeorgeMichael´s phantastic #charitable work - often unnoticed since he preferred #donating like a saint: He just did it.
Let´s remember his #generosity
#LiveUnited #Music #LoveIsLove #yesweaid #generosity #donating #charitable #GeorgeMichael #artists #Queer #SongOfTheDay
40 Lines About 40 Drags 1862-1982
#drag #RuPaul #charlesBusch #ladyBunny #dragRace #rupaulsDragRace #doctorOfUnpopularCulture #ThePansyCrazeMusical #musical #pansyCraze #movies #classic #film #theater #1930s #1920s #pride #gaypride #lgbt #gay #queerHistory #queer #black #blackHistory #dragQueen #dragKing #newyork #history #thursday #tbt #fbf #throwbackThursday #broadway #news #vaudeville #burlesque #video #lyrics #nails #song #facebook #tikTok #AManAndAMouse #crewdteesdotcom #crewdtees #etsy
#etsy #crewdtees #crewdteesdotcom #amanandamouse #TikTok #Facebook #Song #nails #lyrics #Video #Burlesque #vaudeville #News #broadway #ThrowBackThursday #fbf #TBT #thursday #History #NewYork #dragking #dragqueen #blackhistory #black #Queer #queerhistory #gay #LGBT #gaypride #pride #1920s #1930s #theater #Film #classic #Movies #pansycraze #Musical #thepansycrazemusical #doctorofunpopularculture #rupaulsdragrace #dragrace #ladybunny #charlesbusch #rupaul #drag
Franz asks for maintenance in the locker room
#MaleAndroids #MaleAndroid #MaleASFR #madewithGIMP #robotics #scifi #sciencefiction #butt #malebutt #guybutts #handsomemen #lockerroom #gay #queer #gayart #lgbtqiaArt #bubblebutt #jockstrap #jockstraps
#jockstraps #jockstrap #bubblebutt #lgbtqiaart #gayart #Queer #gay #lockerroom #handsomemen #guybutts #malebutt #butt #sciencefiction #SciFi #robotics #madewithgimp #maleasfr #maleandroid #maleandroids
Harlan Coben's SHELTER S1 -
w/ ENGLISH subtitles epi.2
#AbbyCorrigan #Queer #ConstanceZimmer #HarlanCobensShelter
#harlancobensshelter #constancezimmer #Queer #abbycorrigan
Harlan Coben's SHELTER S1 - epi.1
#AbbyCorrigan #Queer #ConstanceZimmer #HarlanCobensShelter
#harlancobensshelter #constancezimmer #Queer #abbycorrigan
I googled Rob and Jeff to see what they're up to. They have a new doc about #TaylorMac!
#Documentary #Movies #Film #lgbtq #Queer #taylormac
Queering up the office!
Cuz right now I know at least 3 dozen #queer folks who have to #nuke their #Twitter in order to not get literally #doxxed to authorities and #relatives in juristictions that literally criminalize their existance with state-sponsored #murder because that's the only option to enshure a tiny #InfoSec fuckup aka. #oversharing WON'T get them flatlined!
#ApartheidEmeraldBoy / #SpaceKaren literally has #blood on his filthy-rich hands!
#blood #SpaceKaren #apartheidemeraldboy #oversharing #InfoSec #murder #relatives #doxxed #Twitter #nuke #Queer
Hey folks, know any #writing agents?
I've got an absolutely excellent #fantasy book that is looking to get #published.
It's got all the good stuff. A diverse cast, #disability and #queer representation, mysterious techno magic, an absolutely rad setting (on a tidally locked planet), and the main character is a type of person who almost never gets to be the main character. Seriously, how often do you see the action hero in a badass wheelchair?
#bookstodon #books #publishing #GotAGreatHook #series
#series #gotagreathook #publishing #Books #bookstodon #Queer #disability #published #Fantasy #Writing
Can't wait for my parents to complain about all the confusing terminology and distinctions and vocabulary in the queer community and to bring up the different denominations of Christianity. Oh, neopronouns are confusing? What are the doctrinal differences between the Presbyterian Church of America and the Presbyterian Church USA and why did they split?
#Queer #lgbtq