lifewithtrees · @lifewithtrees
894 followers · 3046 posts · Server

Met this rose today, and she wanted to move in. Something about St. OLAF.... I didnt quite understamd.

Anyway, we decided to bring her home.

Rose Nylund is her name, and she's a beauty.

She says she has a message for you:

"You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die."


#mastophoto #QueerMastodon #LGBT #Gardening #goldengirls #florespondence

Last updated 1 year ago

lifewithtrees · @lifewithtrees
823 followers · 2676 posts · Server

"Love is Love" sometimes feels like "thoughts and prayers" but for Pride.

#QueerMastodon #lgbtq

Last updated 1 year ago

lifewithtrees · @lifewithtrees
823 followers · 2676 posts · Server

I've been out for over 20 years, but the wounds of internalized homophobia from growing up in a homophobic place continue to exist in my psyche.

It impacts me in my relationships with others and with my Self.

It's tough to face those thoughts.


I am the one with the power to fix it and I am responsible and accountable to do so.

Doing so will bring more freedom to me and to my relationships 💪🥰❤️

#mentalhealth #lgbtq #QueerMastodon #anxiety

Last updated 1 year ago

lifewithtrees · @lifewithtrees
738 followers · 2184 posts · Server

Hello my family!

I think it's super awesome we can connect with each other (here and IRL)! When I was a baby gay, I was at first too ashamed to say hello to other folks who i thought may be (as I was ashamed of being queer myself.)

I am wondering if you were to share some advice to the gaybies out there, what advice would you give?

Maybe something you wish you'd known when you were first coming to know your self?

Love and kisses from here to the whole ❤️🥰🌈

#LGBTQIAfamily #Queer #QueerMastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

EllieByrne · @EllieByrne
129 followers · 63 posts · Server

As the proposals have started trickling in just a reminder of our Jan 10th deadline. Please check out our for a conference on Ali Smith next April. We are looking to cover all her fiction and non-fiction so welcoming papers on as wide a variety of topics as you can think of!

#QueerMastodon #litodon #EnglishLit #cfp

Last updated 2 years ago

Marc Godin · @quietmarc
418 followers · 645 posts · Server

Hey new folks from Twitter!

A few tips from me (just some guy):

1) Hashtags are how you find stuff here. You can search for hashtags, you can *follow* hashtags. If you put hashtags in your posts people will find your post!

2) Write an post, with your interests included as hashtags. You can edit posts here, so let yourself go wild!

3) Follow lots of people and trim them back if you don't want to follow them anymore. Mastodon is more lively the more people you follow.

4) Look at the hashtag for handy dandy advice on how to make the most of your mastodon experience

5) Boosting is for boosting, liking is for liking. Boost posts you want others to see, like posts you want the author to know you like.

6) Folks w/ marginalized identities are here! Find folks with hashtags, like , , etc. Your people want to welcome you!

7) Take it as slow as you need to, we were all new here once. When you're settled in, consider giving your admins some love: most of them are volunteers, and most instances will have a fundraiser link you can donate to (if you're able).

Ask questions! Be curious! Have fun!

#Introduction #feditips #QueerMastodon #disabledmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Roy The Queer Zombie · @ScareBearRoy
138 followers · 191 posts · Server

Again, ask your questions at

#QueerMastodon #lgbtqia #bearsofmastodon #bears #genderqueer

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie Elizabeth · @JamieElizabeth
45 followers · 224 posts · Server

If you're queer or a queer ally, and I'm not following you, I'm missing out! I need more Aura! 💜

+ wtf is with my suggested tags for .. Some of those hashtags are lies. bruh, even some of the suggested feminism tags are abhorrent. 🤪

#FeminismIsForEverybody #transwomenarewomen #transwomen #bisexualpride #QueerMastodon #LoveIsLove #lgbtqmastodon #TransLiberationNow

Last updated 2 years ago

dave · @trttr
32 followers · 24 posts · Server

I'm not in any of these groups, but having listened to and learned from so many in the , , and communities, I have some faint secondhand sense of the tragedy involved in them having to leave and rebuild.

If I leave 🐦, much of the value lost for me will be those voices, but if they leave, their loss will be much, much deeper. I hope that they find a new, better home, and I hope to find them again.

#disabledmastodon #QueerMastodon #BlackMastodon #disabledtwitter #queertwitter #blacktwitter

Last updated 2 years ago

dave · @trttr
65 followers · 81 posts · Server

I'm not in any of these groups, but having listened to and learned from so many in the , , and communities, I have some faint secondhand sense of the tragedy involved in them having to leave and rebuild.

If I leave 🐦, much of the value lost for me will be those voices, but if they leave, their loss will be much, much deeper. I hope that they find a new, better home, and I hope to find them again.

#disabledmastodon #QueerMastodon #BlackMastodon #disabledtwitter #queertwitter #blacktwitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Rohit K Dasgupta :unverified: · @Rkdasgupta
242 followers · 22 posts · Server

A large number of new users have joined in the last few hours! A quick . I am an academic at the University of Glasgow. I teach, research & write in the areas of cultural policy, queer politics, media & citizenship, sartorial identities & cinema.

I am also a Labour and Cooperative party councillor in the London Borough of Newham since 2018 (re-elected in 2022). Committed to labour & trade union movement.

#tradeunion #labourparty #QueerMastodon #sociology #commodon #Introduction #Mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Rohit K Dasgupta :unverified: · @Rkdasgupta
365 followers · 51 posts · Server

A large number of new users have joined in the last few hours! A quick . I am an academic at the University of Glasgow. I teach, research & write in the areas of cultural policy, queer politics, media & citizenship, sartorial identities & cinema.

I am also a Labour and Cooperative party councillor in the London Borough of Newham since 2018 (re-elected in 2022). Committed to labour & trade union movement.

#tradeunion #labourparty #QueerMastodon #sociology #commodon #Introduction #Mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Maia George · @MaiaGeorgeCoach
433 followers · 237 posts · Server

At long last I've managed to buy "Dykes to watch out for". 🏳️‍🌈👑

Endlich habe ich es geschafft mir Alison Bechdels "Dykes to watch out for" zu bestellen. 🏳️‍🌈👑

#bookish #QueerMastodon #queerhistory #bucherwurmerunited

Last updated 2 years ago

Moriah Murray, DO · @moriahmurray
117 followers · 44 posts · Server