Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2344 followers · 4732 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Sent to us from a bathroom

"The Satanic Temple is Scientology for mall goths


#rentonwa #safeway #QueerSatanic

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2258 followers · 4676 posts · Server kolektiva.social

will be playing the Benefit Show at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 19, at

#hurryupsnufkin #QueerSatanic #pikeplacemarket #seattle

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2177 followers · 4510 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"" - a Queer Satanic benefit show at in

7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 19, at the book store in
92 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101


and are all set to perform

We're also working on having some local artists present, such as

Proceeds from the benefit fundraiser go to paying the legal defense bills of the Heretics, four former members of who have been sued by for more than three years now in three different courts as part of an ongoing suit designed to exhaust our finances and intimidate other critics of that abusive religious organization into silence.

#hailluciferthelightbringer #leftbankbooks #seattle #Anarchist #pikeplacemarket #hurryupsnuffkin #deadsonics #molotovjuicebox #kellydeanverity #QueerSatanic #thesatanictemple #tst #slapp

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2127 followers · 4301 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2118 followers · 4263 posts · Server kolektiva.social

yesterday as seen from inside of the tent

#transprideseattle #QueerSatanic

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2116 followers · 4260 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Had a real fun time educating people about () today at on .

Thanks to the friends who came out to support the four still being sued by The Satanic Temple in federal appellate court and now King County Superior Court.

is also still suing Newsweek and its reporter (but maybe not her anymore!) for writing about us. In addition, the is now suing a TikToker in Texas for talking about our case. Check the profile link for more.

#thesatanictemple #scientologyformallgoths #seattle #pridefest #caphill #QueerSatanic #heretics #tst #satanictemple

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2077 followers · 4184 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
2071 followers · 4171 posts · Server kolektiva.social

took a while but we finally found a place to do the repeating - design as a hoodie


Check it out, or the original Redbubble ones and help keep paying our legal bills



#damask #hailsatan #QueerSatanic

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1981 followers · 3413 posts · Server kolektiva.social

a late post from someone who got one of our flags in gay pride colors last summer

🔥 All Cats Are Beautiful 🔥



đź“· Insta @breadandroseshomestead

#caturday #SatanicAntifascism #QueerSatanic #queer #satanic #cats #catsofmastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1811 followers · 2920 posts · Server kolektiva.social

by benefiting


Freddy's Bar
Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023
8:30 p.m. to 10:35 p.m.
627 5th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11215

If you're in and specifically , come by if you're looking for a way to support us and .

#blackmass #cyclonejacksullivan #QueerSatanic #nyc #brooklyn #queer #satanic #heresy

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1750 followers · 2732 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@specternicnevin As for us, we're not an organization. is just four former members of a local chapter who got kicked out and have been getting sued since April 2020, with the reasoning given by the Temple changing over that time as claims have repeatedly been dismissed

You can read a recap about that here:

Or the "TST SLAPP suit information" section here


Last updated 2 years ago

Pixel · @pixel
35 followers · 206 posts · Server kolektiva.social

As promised, my receipt that I matched the first $500 in donations.

If anyone out there is capable of matching the next $100, $250, or $500… please speak up! Let’s stretch the donations and help these comrades fight this SLAPP and stand up to unjust authority.


#SatanicAntifascism #antifa #antifascist #satanist #QueerSatanic #queer #satanism #Anarchist #slapp #hailsatan

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1636 followers · 2451 posts · Server kolektiva.social

=Ways to donate=
PayPal @QueerSatanic

CashApp $QueerSatanic


You can use stickers@queersatanic.com to send addresses to us + proof of donation like a screenshot; but basically, just make sure you find some way to get your address to us

#QueerSatanic #SatanicAntifascism #crowdfunding #satanism #AnarchoSatanism #thesatanictemple

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1508 followers · 2315 posts · Server kolektiva.social

~30min from two members of the SLAPP suit defendants doing our Q&A


Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1463 followers · 2266 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1397 followers · 2187 posts · Server kolektiva.social

For two and a half YEARS The Satanic Temple, its malicious agents, and its sycophants have screeched about how 's conduct is "illegal"

But of course, the followers never even both to ask for evidence of what that illegality might be, why TST is doing all of this in civil court or with smear accounts rather than criminal law given the resources of the Temple's owners.
4. The Balance of Equities Favors Defendants, not TST
In addition to failing to show likelihood of success or irreparable harm, TST also fails to show that equities favor it. TST argues that this element is met because Defendants’ conduct is “illegal.” Yet, as discussed above, TST falls far short of establishing it will succeed on the merits of its conversion/trespass to chattels claims and thus cannot show that Defendants engaged in “illegal” conduct. Further, where the plaintiff falls well short of showing that the Defendants are wrongfully using a Facebook page, public policy will not be served by requiring Defendants to give up control before liability has been established. This is especially so when the plaintiff has waited over two and a half years to seek an injunction – thus demonstrating the lack of any immediate harm while the dispute is resolved.

While TST has failed to show any equitable grounds favoring a mandatory injunction, Defendants have clear equitable grounds for maintaining administration of the page. TST expressly represented to Defendants that they could use the Memes Page “free and clear.” TST then acted consistently with that statement by not seeking the return of the Memes Page for over two years. Defendants relied on those statements to freely use the Memes Page. If TST were allowed to now contradict its own express statements and actions, Defendants would be inequitably harmed, not TST. Principles of equity and estoppel demand that TST not be permitted to do so.


Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1394 followers · 2174 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Bless the glorious admins at for their character limit. Fully image description below the summary.

Lawyers are expensive, but 's lawyers are pretty good.

They lay out in a more formal way what has happened so far, and preview what's coming: moved forward with this motion after being warned in June 2022 that we had emails and video of TST's local reps in their pyramid-shaped hierarchy saying the Facebook page TST national is now seeking was not something they owned or wanted.

We also point out how TST admits to *paying someone* to monitor criticism of the Temple and its owners, and this gives up the game about their claims that this has anything to do with a Facebook page since they're upset about criticism in any format: Reddit, podcasts, whatever.

We show where TST's lawyer continues to go out and say *unbelievably* ill-advised things about us and this case, which likely give some insight into TST's real motivations here. "Tell the judge on me again, I double dare you." Just incredible.

Finally, we argue that the judge should deal with whether or not to dismiss this case from federal court before dealing with the Temple's latest frivolity.

As this Court is aware from pleadings and briefings over the last two and a half years, this case arises from a dispute between a religious organization, Plaintiff United Federation of Churches, LLC d/b/a The Satanic Temple (“The Satanic Temple” or “TST”), and four of its former members, Defendants, regarding TST’s displeasure with Defendants’ critical views about TST’s tenets and practices. TST’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction (“Motion”) is part of its ongoing attempt to silence Defendants. As with many of TST’s claims against Defendants that have been dismissed as a matter law, this Motion, too, lacks all merit. TST has not shown, and cannot show, the required elements for the extraordinary remedy of a preliminary injunction. For example, it cannot show that it will succeed on the merits of its common law claims that Defendants have wrongfully converted a Facebook page (the “Memes Page”1). Far to the contrary, TST expressly
told Defendants over two and a half years ago that they could have and use the Memes Page “free and clear and we’ve [TST] no desire to claim it.” Despite being fully aware of this fatal exculpatory evidence, TST does not even mention it in its Motion.

TST also can’t show that it will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief. Not only did TST give Defendants express permission to have and use the Memes Page “free and clear,” it waited for over two and a half years to bring this Motion, during which time it has been fully aware of Defendants’ ongoing use of the Memes Page. This delay alone proves false any claim of imminent or irreparable harm. Moreover, TST does not assert any conversion-based damages for the alleged conversion of the Memes Page. Instead, it attempts improperly to relitigate its dismissed defamation claim by arguing that it is damaged by the content being posted on the Memes Page and in other social media.

The true purpose of TST’s meritless Motion (filed the night before Thanksgiving after a two and a half year wait) is to harass Defendants and drive up their legal fees. TST knows the Defendants have limited resources to litigate this dispute and, as its attorney has publicly stated TST is using this litigation with the hope that the attorneys’ fees in this case “squeeze[] every last penny from you living corpses” [referring to Defendants]. Declaration of David Johnson in Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for Preliminary Injunction (“Johnson Decl.”) ¶ 18 & Ex. 6 (emphasis added). More recently, just days before filing this Motion, TST’s attorney again publicly acknowledged using this litigation for the purpose of harassing Defendants, stating in a public

Are these fuckwits still talking about me? Grow up and file an answer so I can get at your financial records. I’m coming for you. Tell the judge on me again, I double dare you.

Id. ¶ 20 & Ex. 8 (emphases added).2 Given TST’s own blatant, public statements of an improper purpose, it is impossible to conclude other than that TST is improperly using this litigation to harass Defendants until they are bled dry through legal fees.

Finally, this Motion is improper because Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss for Lack of
Subject Matter Jurisdiction (Dkt. No. 33) is currently pending. The Court should first determine if it will retain jurisdiction over this case before deciding whether it will issue an injunction.

For these reasons and the reasons set forth below, The Satanic Temple’s Motion must be denied.


#Kolektiva #QueerSatanic #thesatanictemple #unitedfederationofchurchesllc

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1382 followers · 2142 posts · Server kolektiva.social

==Q&A with @QueerSatanic==
Discord Center Stage 10 p.m. US Eastern / 7 p.m. US Pacific Saturday, Dec. 17


The Satanic Temple continues to sue four former members and try to drive up our legal defense costs with frivolous motions; so far, we have spent more than $100,000 to win nearly every motion over the past 2.5 years

So we need more money!

And as part of that, on Saturday nite two of us will be answering questions live on a Discord server some supporters are running for us

Join us! And drop some questions in the Q&A channel

Be Gay, Do Crime, and Hail Satan

#QueerSatanic #satanism #ama #SatanicAntifascism #thesatanictemple #AnarchoSatanism

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1308 followers · 1973 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1238 followers · 1879 posts · Server kolektiva.social