#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #IncredibleButTrue #QuentinDupieux #mubi #streaming #film #cinema #movies #mastomovies #cinemastodon #filmastodon
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #IncredibleButTrue #QuentinDupieux #mubi #Streaming #film #cinema #movies #mastomovies #cinemastodon #filmastodon
"Quentin Dupieux’s surreal, SF-lite shaggy dog story follows a convoluted, bittersweet path through midlife crisis": the melancholic middle-aged madness of INCREDIBLE BUT TRUE (2022) will be available on Blu-ray via Arrow Video from Monday, with a booklet essay by me. Meanwhile, here's my review for #SciFiNow
Just watched Incroyable Mais Vrai (Incredible But True) by Quentin Dupieux. I think it is his 4th best (after Rubber, Mandibles and Deerskin) which is still a HUGE recommendation.
Don’t read anything about it - just watch it and let you take you on a trip.
#Letterboxd #QuentinDupieux #IncroyableMaisVrai #IncredibelButTrue
#Letterboxd #QuentinDupieux #incroyablemaisvrai #incredibelbuttrue
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