"Quintessential Quintuplets" is a popular Japanese manga by Haruba Negi about a high school boy tutoring quintuplet sisters. Serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine (2017-2020), it has sold over 20 million copies and received a TV anime adaptation. #QuintessentialQuintuplets
"Quintessential Quintuplets" is a popular Japanese manga by Haruba Negi about a high school boy tutoring quintuplet sisters. Serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine (2017-2020), it has sold over 20 million copies and received a TV anime adaptation. #QuintessentialQuintuplets
Love my wife. She may not always understand the anime I'm into, but she recognises when they're important to me. Just unwrapped this beauty and I couldn't be more pleased :blobcataww:
My Spotify went from a #QuintessentialQuintuplets ending into a #LoveLive Nijigasaki song and I honestly assumed the playlist had shifted to Radio and found a song from the Quints movie or something. I clearly don't have a strong memory for the later Nijigasaki tunes! 😅
#QuintessentialQuintuplets #lovelive
The second box set came in today after a long wait. My son will most likely have the second series finished by dinner. #anime #manga #QuintessentialQuintuplets
#anime #manga #QuintessentialQuintuplets
The second box set came in today after a long wait. My son will most likely have the second series finished by dinner. #anime #manga #QuintessentialQuintuplets
#anime #manga #QuintessentialQuintuplets
I totally forgot to share the birthday card my wife @Naz drew for me!
Every year she draws me a card based on whatever I've been hyperfixating on the most lately, and this time it was Miku from #QuintessentialQuintuplets
I think at this point it's safe to say that #QuintessentialQuintuplets has surplanted #Toradora as my favourite romcom anime. This one's gonna be knocking around in my noggin for a good, long while.
#QuintessentialQuintuplets #toradora
I'm back from the #QuintessentialQuintuplets Movie!
Overall I really liked it! The "result" felt right if you've been following the series well, and even though some jerk on Anime Planet spoilered it for me it was still a very impactful scene.
It did drag a bit in the second half TBH, while I'm glad there was good focus on the other girls' reactions I feel like the pacing could have been snappier.
If you've seen the series, you owe it to yourself to experience this conclusion :blobcatcoffee:
Wasn't expecting Ichika to start becoming a surprise villain of sorts, but I suppose one of the girls has to start stirring the pot, and the actress makes the most sense.
God dammit #QuintessentialQuintuplets stop making me break out in sappy smiles in the work canteen! People will think I'm weirder than I already come across!
God dammit #QuintessentialQuintuplets stop making me break out in sappy smiles in the work canteen! People will think I'm weirder than I already come across!