Today is exactly 6 months since I #QuitSmoking 🤗🤗
After 25 years of smoking, it was one of the best decisions I could have made. I was afraid that it would be difficult, impossible even, and it probably would have been without the help of #vape. I still vape occasionally, but I mix nicotine free liquid. By the end of the year, I plan to leave that too.
#anniversary 🚭 #vaping
#vaping #anniversary #vape #QuitSmoking
16 days smoke free.. After more than 20 years...
I feel great, haven't had any major craving crisis and even the minor one seems just passing by without much impact..
I know why I used to smoke, exactly why, so I'm not running away anymore.
And contrary to other times I tried to stop, I'm not having violent nightmares or difficulty to sleep.
It's bit harder to sleep early though but I'm confident I'll self regulate. #nopatch #nohelp #quitsmoking #smokefree
#SmokeFree #QuitSmoking #NoHelp #nopatch
@beardguy maybe consider supportive aids like nicotine patches?
After all I'm convinced it'll be easier to #QuitSmoking if you can do a controlled dose-down of #Nicotine.
Another option I know would he quitting hard, and you'll feel shit for 2-14 days, depending on the amounts of paralization of your respiratory tract and amount of tar in your lungs but that's quite hard.
A couple people have asked, so, here are my #StopSmoking #Rules.
1) set a timer for 1 hour. I'm allowed a cigarette after the alarm. Restart the timer after smoking, be it right then, or later.
2) set #cheat rules. I'm allowed a smoke after supper and before bed, regardless of the timer. But the timer resets after the supper smoke.
3) increase the time between #cigarettes by 5-10 minutes per day. (day 1=1 hour, day 2=1:10, etc)
4) keep cutting back until I don't want one anymore.
#QuitSmoking #cigarettes #cheat #rules #stopsmoking
My #QuitSmoking journey, #Day2
So, yesterday, I went with 1 hour between cigarettes. (for most, even that probably seems excessive, but some people haven't been a chain smoker for 40 years! 😂)
Yesterday wasn't too bad. I managed to not get too edgy, and stuck to my rule. I used a timer to let me know when I was allowed to have one.
Today, I've changed the timer to 1 hour 10 minutes. I've carved out a couple of cheats in my plan,as I'm not looking to make myself COMPLETELY miserable. (1/)
So, I'm going to #QuitSmoking. I'm not going to TRY, I'm going to quit.
I've been smoking since I was 8 years old.... Almost 39 years. I've tried EVERYTHING, including hypnosis. I've decided to limit myself by time. Today, I'm allowed to have a smoke once an hour. In a few days, I'll bump it to 1.5 hours, and keep whittling it down until I just don't want to bother.
Cross your fingers for me. This will be difficult, but it's time. I'm going to #QuitSmoking, starting today.