In a meeting w/ @UN High Commissioner for Human Rights @volker_turk I expressed #Slovenia’s support to his dedication.
I look fwd to working together on ⬇️
🍀right to clean environment #R2HE
👵🏼rights of older persons
🧒participation of children & youth
👩🏻empowerment of women
RT @URGthinktank: 🗣H.E. Ms. Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia @tfajon
at the side event on #R2HE:
🔹The recognition of #R2HE was a landmark decision, now comes the question➡️What next?
🔹We must now focus on mainstreaming and on-the-ground implementation
RT @MZEZ_RS: Poskrbeti moramo, da #R2HE ne postane mrtva črka na papirju ampak da predstavlja začetek varnejše prihodnosti za vse. Zagotavljam, da bo #Slovenija 🇸🇮 še naprej aktivno sodelovala. Okolje & ČP sta naši prednostni nalogi v nacionalnih in večstranskih forumih. - Ministrica @tfajon.
RT @MZEZ_RS: #HRC52 | Ministrica @tfajon je na dogodku o pravici do čistega, zdravega in trajnostnega okolja #R2HE, ki so ga gostile Zelena skupina, #Slovenija, #Kostarika, #Maldivi, #Maroko in #Švica poudarila: S priznanjem univerzalne pravice #R2HE smo dosegli velik napredek. 1/2
#HRC52 #R2HE #Slovenija #Kostarika #Maldivi #Maroko #Švica
RT @MZZRS: At #COP27 Slovenia advocated the inclusion of #water 💧 & right to healthy environment #R2HE. The #LossAndDamage fund is a step towards climate justice. But the world needs more to stay within 1,5.
#COP27 #water #R2HE #LossAndDamage