Exploring the impact of read clustering thresholds on RADseq-based systematics: an empirical example from European amphibians
Loïs Rancilhac et al.
bioRxiv 2023.04.19.537466; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.19.537466
What is the key element in a successful #RADseq experiment and analysis? How can you avoid the dreaded "missing data"?
tldr; it's the quality of input DNA, and controlling the resulting levels of PCR duplicates that matters.
Our latest work, led by Nicolas Rochette and Angel Rivera-Colón, (and in collaboration with Shane Campbell-Staton and Floragenex) shows this in great detail via modeling and experimental analysis. Now published in Molecular Ecology Resources:
Sitting here looking at the terminal window waiting very impatiently for my #RADseq analysis to finish. This is my second library (the first enzyme combo produced too many fragments). If this one fails, I'm doomed as there's no more $$ for a third try.
It's for #ConservationGenetics of #CrawfishFrogs.
#RADseq #ConservationGenetics #crawfishfrogs
The online version of our recent paper on Molecular Ecology is now available.
We combined existing #microsatellite data with new #SNP -based #microhaplotypes obtained with #RADseq from archived samples of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) across a 20-year time series, comprising bottlenecks and high inputs from hatchery, to evaluate point estimates and trajectories of key #populationgenetic metrics.
#microsatellite #snp #microhaplotypes #RADseq #populationgenetic
We took advantage of an opportunistic observation of 2 putative parthenogenetic offspring from a female #KingCobra, using #RADseq to sample thousands of genome-wide loci. Using these data, we confirm that these offspring are indeed parthenogenetic in origin. 2/5
PhD position available at Lund University on conservation genomics of orchids in Sweden. Apply here: https://lu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:557391/type:job/where:4/apply:1
#PhDposition #ConservationGenomics #RADseq #PopGen #orchids