VOX: Islam is incompatible with Western culture
VOX party spokesman gives blunt speech about the consequences of Islam within a Western nation's borders
Please read the details at RAIR Foundation
#RAIRFoundation #Spain #VOXPartySpain
#VOXPartySpain #Spain #RAIRFoundation
Thomas gives speech at War Memorial, April 30th, 2022
Please see the article at RAIR Foundation.com on the entire weekend. It's the best information out there from what I've seen so far.
#RAIRFoundation #Veterans
First clip from Friday night in Ottawa: The Trucks return briefly
As I'm sure you can all understand, going out to collect news and edit and so on, takes a lot of time. Which means posting can be light on other matters when there are local events. But I hope you all feel it was worth the wait. Meanwhile the Reader's Links post is as it always i
#Protests #RAIRFoundation #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #RAIRFoundation #Protests