This could turn out very badly…
Redbud and ramp pickles. Cercis canadensis, Allium tricoccum.
I used pickling recipe from Sakai’s “Japanese Home Cooking” Amazuzuke, p.86-87 except using only these ingredients: orange peel, black pepper, ginger, kombu dashi, rice vinegar, cane sugar and sea salt.
I made one bottle without a ramp leaf just in case. 🥹
#NativePlants #gardening #GrowYourOwn #pickling #permaculture #organic #ramps #florespondence #cooking
#nativeplants #gardening #growyourown #pickling #permaculture #organic #RAMPS #florespondence #cooking
#indiana #accessibility #RAMPS #ada #parking #bloomington #scooters #sharedscooters
Motorized Camera Mount Was Once a 3D Printer
#digitalcamerashacks #ArduinoMega2560 #3dPrinterhacks #cameramount #panandtilt #dslrmount #g-code #ESP32 #RAMPS #dslr
#digitalcamerashacks #ArduinoMega2560 #3dPrinterhacks #cameramount #panandtilt #dslrmount #g #esp32 #RAMPS #dslr
Before #Ramps became an urban restaurant fad, they were an Indigenous staple, and still are. Please please please protect this spring ephemeral delicacy from overharvesting.