Delighted to have had the opportunity to teach #systematicReview and #metaAnalysis of #RCTs to #MSc #students at #THSTI #Faridabad #India, helping train the next generation of #Indian #clinicalTrialists #BritishCouncil
#BritishCouncil #clinicaltrialists #indian #india #faridabad #thsti #students #msc #RCTs #metaanalysis #SystematicReview RCT in an ecology journal ( gives good evidence of a bias in favour of high-income country authors under single-anonymised #PeerReview, but no benefit for low-income country authors with double-anonymised review. They found no indication of #GenderBias. Only mandatory double anonymisation would make a difference to country-level bias, because those whose chances it hurts are unlikely to opt for it. #RCTs
Randomised controlled trial shows existence of ideological bias and of authority #bias among #economists; economic analysis is enhanced when the necessary normative context of #economics is openly admitted: #RCTs
#bias #economists #economics #RCTs
Next was a good discussion with David Atkin on how to use #RCTs to answer policy questions (and also when they're not appropriate) at #INSEAD (4/11)
#RCTs in the #VascularAccess field are uncommon
in 2020 we discussed drug coated balloons on #NephJC
Now there is this large RCT
- industry funded
- expensive stents
- effect on AVF patency (left) much less impressive than target lesion patency (right)
First was an interesting talk on improving clinical trials with #MachineLearning by Alihan Hüyük with discussion from Carl-Fredrik Burman, @MiroDudik, Sean Hayes, and Suetonia Palmer at the University of Cambridge. This is an extremely important problem, and the approach presented here could generalize to #RCTs more broadly (2/10)
The NIH funding of clinical trials is a scattershot blundering mess
(1/4) Why do we need this method?
"Traditional" approach was to pool data within patient subgroups, and then compare. But this breaks up #RCTs. If subgroup distributions vary across trials, so will relative weights -- risking trial-level confounding and hence aggregation bias
No more #PHacking or vague #HealthClaims for products to obscure the fact that they lack solid evidence from #RCTs for such claims. So says the FTC. We say that's definitely a good call.
Virtual "Open Days" for the #UCL #ICTM MSc Statistics for Clinical Trials now open for booking! Free, various dates Jan-June 2023. I'm excited to be co-leading the #metaAnalysis module for this course. #stats #ClinicalTrials #RCTs
#RCTs #clinicaltrials #stats #metaanalysis #ictm #ucl
New in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, co-authored by Assistant in Biostatistics Kimberly W. Hart with colleagues Alexander M. Kaizer at University of Colorado, Wesley H. Self at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Emergency Medicine), and more. #COVID19 #lopinavir #ritonavir #RCTs #ClinicalTrials
#COVID19 #Lopinavir #Ritonavir #RCTs #clinicaltrials
Indicators of questionable research practices were identified in 163,129 #RCTs #QRPs
(1) risk of #bias assessments
(2) modifications in primary outcomes that were registered in trial registration records (proxy for selective reporting bias);
(3) ratio of the achieved to planned sample sizes; and
(4) statistical discrepancy.
#RCTs #qrps #bias #questionableresearchpractices
The effects of modifying elements of written informed consent forms for elective surgical or invasive procedures: A systematic review
"use of verbal risk presentation decreased anxiety and increased satisfaction.A lower readability level decreased anxiety and improved comprehension and knowledge"
My colleagues Brennan Kahan and Andrew Copas are advertising a #UCL #PhD opportunity 'Developing practical guidance for design and analysis of #cluster #RCTs #trials to match the chosen #estimand .'
Closing date 16th Jan 2023
#estimand #trials #RCTs #cluster #phd #ucl
Operationalization of #assent for research participation in pre-adolescent children: a scoping review
Pie charts:
a Criteria used to determine ability to provide assent. b Information provided to child during the assent process
#consent #ethics #RCTs #peds #children #paediatrics #pediatrics
#assent #consent #ethics #RCTs #peds #children #paediatrics #pediatrics
Electronic informed #consent criteria for research #ethics review: a scoping review (34 studies).
To Glyn's point, the other day, this from Victor Montori:
100 video-recorded encounters, obtained from an RCT of an #SharedDecisionMaking intervention. Researchers noted the occurrence/order of the 4 canonical #SDM steps: fostering choice awareness, providing information, stating preferences, and deciding.
The normative steps of SDM are infrequently observed in their prescribed.
#shareddecisionmaking #SDM #fidelity #interventionconvergence #RCTs
When is data too old to inform nursing science and practice?
The Journal of Advanced #Nursing says the period of data collection should be no more than 3 years before submission of the manuscript.
Earlier - on the timely #reporting of #RCTs:
EU clinical trials have to post results within six (paediatric trials) or 12 months (non-paediatric).
#nursing #reporting #RCTs #publicationlag #filedrawereffect
Approaches to the Assessment of Clinical Benefit of Treatments for Conditions that Have Heterogeneous Symptoms and Impacts: Potential Applications in Rare Disease
6 assessment approaches identified:
- composite or other multi-component endpoints;
- multi-domain responder index (MDRI);
- most bothersome symptom (MBS);
- goal attainment scaling (GAS);
-sliding dichotomy; and
- adequate relief.
#regulation #rarediseases #RCTs #healtheconomics #HTA
The latest from Gordon Guyatt's stable: Instruments assessing risk of #bias of #RCTs frequently included items that are not addressing risk of bias issues.
17 instruments; 61 items clearly not addressing risk of bias; item classification survey - 66 items. Respondents deemed 20 items (30.3%) as addressing risk of bias; the majority deemed 11 (16.7%) as not addressing risk of bias; and there proved substantial disagreement for 35 (53.0%) items.