I boosted this last night, but I'm doing it again because it was so interesting (albeit long): https://fosstodon.org/@tcely/110705153826062120
Click through to start the video at 1:13:00 or so (to skip right to the RCV problems).
I'm now a fan of #STAR #voting. The part where Alameda County screwed up their #RCV counts and actually seated the wrong candidate, discovering their fuck up a month later is just.. wow.
#RCV was invented by Condorcet, but hardly anyone knows this, because Condorcet immediately saw that it wasn't a good idea and denounced it.
This wasn't some great idea just waiting for someone to come up with it. Someone did come up with it and thought it was mediocre.
@nicolledwallace @mollyjongfast @deadlinewh Ranked choice voting will weed out the extremists #RCV
Arlington County ran a proportional preferential voting system for the Democratic Party primary for two Board seats. One candidate from each voting block was elected. Likely that the traditional method would have given one block both primary seats. There was no mention of the proportionality part prior to the vote. Lots of talk about the preferential part. Apparently this was one of the first ever use of proportional preferential voting in the US. https://vote.arlingtonva.gov/Ranked-Choice-Voting #voting #Arlington #RCV
Ugh, I hate #voting in person in #NYC *so much*.
The (paper) voter guide only lists my city council candidates. It does not list civil court judges or anyone else who might be on the ballot. You have to know to go to NYC DOE's website, go to "find my pollsite/view sample ballot" so see who's actually on the ballot.
You've gotta do this in advance of going to your poll site, and then (w/ #RCV) memorize the order you want to vote for candidates in.
So stupid. Just universal #VoteByMail, please!
Does #RFKJr. support #RankedChoiceVoting? It seems that he's taken no public position on it.
We won't have #RCV in all 50 states for the 2024 election. But at least #CornelWest and #MarianneWilliamson support RCV. In that sense they're at least hinting that they don't want to be spoiler candidates who hand the election to #Republicans. Of course they may be spoiler candidates anyway. But is RFK even hinting that he doesn't want to be a spoiler candidate?
#uspolitics #republicans #mariannewilliamson #cornelwest #RCV #RankedChoiceVoting #rfkjr
Good write up about how #rankedchoicevoting is not biased toward any one party with recent examples of come from behind wins for Republicans and Democrats. These were all vote splitting situations that would have been much different under pick-one ballots.
#RankedChoiceVoting #nonpartisan #RCV
New products and designs. Any suggestions for more?
On Zazzle and http://RCVMerch.redbubble.com
@BeckyWerner I'm honestly not sure if you are making a joke here. In order to protect democracy I can only vote for one party?
To project democracy I would advocate for #RCV. Perhaps we can do away with, or at least reduce the influence of parties more broadly. https://fairvote.org/our-reforms/ranked-choice-voting/
A third party is never successful in the US political system.*
*Except for the Republican Party who first won the presidency with Abraham Lincoln. Their platform, Slavery -> Bad.
The take away is that if you have a good platform, you can win.
#ThoughtForTheDay #politics #thirdparty #ForwardParty #RankedChoiceVoting #RCV
#thoughtfortheday #politics #thirdparty #ForwardParty #RankedChoiceVoting #RCV
π£ Calling all progressives! Let's revolutionize our democracy with Voter Choice AZ - Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) βπ³οΈπ‘
Ranked Choice Voting is a game-changer for our political system, empowering progressive candidates and fostering more inclusive, issue-driven political discourse. It eliminates the "spoiler effect" and ensures that the winning candidate has the broadest possible support. This transformative system is essential for creating a more just society ππ±βοΈ
#RCV #changethesystem #election #politics #polarization
#RankedChoiceVoting for Presidential Primary in Vermont (starting in 2028)
#RankedChoiceVoting #presidentialprimary #RCV
Starting in 8 minutes. Register for Zoom link:
ππΌ http://vol.represent.us/a/info-session-or-rcvβ¦
#RankedChoiceVoting #RCV #RankedChoice #StarVoting #OR #ORPol #Oregon #ORPolitics #PNW #VoterReform #ElectionReform #GOTV #Voting #Zoom #HappeningNow #NowHappening #JoinIn #Invitation #TellYourFriends
#rankedchoicevoting #RCV #rankedchoice #starvoting #or #orpol #oregon #orpolitics #pnw #voterreform #electionreform #GoTV #voting #zoom #Happeningnow #nowhappening #joinin #invitation #tellyourfriends
Ranked Choice Voting - The Future's Choice
#rankedchoice #election #changethesystem #RCV #arizona
@JBriggeman as shared in the @liberalcurrents discord π
#approvalVoting #rcv #RankedChoiceVoting
#approvalVoting #RCV #RankedChoiceVoting
Submitted testimony OPPOSING Oregon House Bill 2004, proposal to adopt RCV for most statewide seats:
#RCV #oregon #voting #votingreform
My state reps are really swinging for the bleachers lately with the bad policy takes. Very disappointing. RCV is the limited hangout op of voting reform. It ineffectively addresses vote splitting. It punishes broadly popular candidates in favor of those with the most zealous base. It's difficult and insecure to administrate. And using it for over 100 years in the Australian lower house has not broken the two-party dominance there.
#oregon #portland #pdx #voting #RCV
Woo Woo
WA LDs seeing the need
βAt our March 21 meeting the @43rdDems are going to vote on endorsing ranked choice voting for WA Presidential primariesβ
#RankedChoiceVoting #RCV #presidentialprimaries #waleg
Statewide RCV passed through MN Senate Elections Commitee. #mnleg #rcv #RankedChoiceVoting
#mnleg #RCV #RankedChoiceVoting