RT @REBHPortal
May the 4th RE game be with you!
#maythe4thbewithyou #re4 #バイオハザード #residentevil #REBHFun
This is the perfect Mashup!
RT @nerodsi
Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 mod for Ashley Graham in Resident Evil 4 Remake
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #AshleyGraham #HeatherMason #SilentHill3 #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #ResidentEvil4remake #ashleygraham #heathermason #silenthill3 #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Jill & Carlos - Resident Evil 3 Remake
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE3 #ResidentEvil3remake #JillValentine #CarlosOliveira #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re3 #residentevil3remake #jillvalentine #carlosoliveira #biohazard #Capcom
RT @one_big_boss
It's time we start giving Raccoon City Park it's well deserved respect.
The level of atmosphere here and design is fantastic and one of the best in the original Resident Evil 3.
What's your favorite area in RE3?
RT @nerodsi
Osmund Saddler TEPPEN art
#ResidentEvil #REBH27th #REBHFun #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #Biohazard #OsmundSaddler #Capcom #TEPPEN
#residentevil #rebh27th #REBHFun #re4 #residentevil4 #biohazard #OsmundSaddler #Capcom #teppen
RT @nerodsi
Jill Valentine & Chris Redfield in Resident Evil RE:Verse
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #JillValentine #ChrisRedfield #Biohazard #ResidentEvil3remake #ResidentEvilVillage #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #jillvalentine #chrisredfield #biohazard #residentevil3remake #ResidentEvilVillage #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Rebecca Chambers in Resident Evil Vendetta (2017) & Resident Evil Death Island (2023)
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #ResidentEvilVendetta #ResidentEvilDeathIsland #RebeccaChambers #Biohazard #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #residentevilvendetta #residentevildeathisland #rebeccachambers #biohazard #Capcom
RT @BewareCreepyVAs
For the new people here wondering why dc douglas got fired as wesker, it's because he broke nda and has sexual misconduct allegations against him. It's no surprise he's still trying to gaslight people though. #RE4remake #REBHFun
RT @1robat
Luis hanging out with Leon for one day 😂 #serennedy #REBHFun
Pls no. I hate this 😩😭😭🙃😭😭😭😩😭😭🙃🙃
RT @1robat
Luis taking all hits in game but dies with a stab 😔
#luisserra #re4 #REBHFun #luissera #RE4Remake
#luisserra #re4 #REBHFun #luissera #re4remake
RT @nerodsi
Why not play Resident Evil Village?
We have:
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #REVillage #ResidentEvilVillage #EthanWinters #ChrisRedfield #Biohazard #Meme #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #revillage #ResidentEvilVillage #ethanwinters #chrisredfield #biohazard #meme #Capcom
RT @1robat
Love Luis' face expressions in this like he's about to giggle 🤭
#serennedy #REBHFun #luisserra
#serennedy #REBHFun #luisserra
RT @texas_uss: 最大サイズのアタッシュケースがどんなもんなんかをレオンと身長体格がほぼ一致してる友人に協力してもらい比較してみました。むりげー過ぎるやろこんなん。
RT @nerodsi
How we'll all be by the time we get a Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake 😅😂
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #ResidentEvilCodeVeronica #Biohazard #Meme #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #residentevilcodeveronica #biohazard #meme #Capcom
The legendary jumpscare
RT @nerodsi
Yep, it's accurate 😂
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE #Biohazard #Meme #TheSimpsons #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re #biohazard #meme #thesimpsons #Capcom
RT @1robat
Luis Serra shirtless mod with more hair 🔥 #luisserra #RE4 #luissera #REBHFun
#luisserra #re4 #luissera #REBHFun #re4remake
RT @nerodsi
Claire Redfield in Resident Evil Death Island (2023) ❤️
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #ResidentEvilDeathIsland #ClaireRedfield #Biohazard #screenshots #Capcom
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #residentevildeathisland #claireredfield #biohazard #screenshots #Capcom
RT @nerodsi
Ada Wong's classic OG RE4 dress mod in Resident Evil 4 Remake 😍
#ResidentEvil #REBHFun #REBH27th #RE4 #mod #ResidentEvil4 #ResidentEvil4Remake #Biohazard #Capcom #AdaWong
#residentevil #REBHFun #rebh27th #re4 #mod #residentevil4 #ResidentEvil4remake #biohazard #Capcom #adawong
Has anyone spotted a DAZ Studio-ready Wesker out there? That's the one big thing missing from my 3D asset library. 😭 #REBHFun #DAZStudio #3dart