RT @G_Schwaderer: Es wird deutlich mehr Holz verbrannt als früher. Ursache: Subventionen. Das hat schwere Folgen für Europas Wälder. Konsequenz: eine ursprünglich gut gemeinte Klimaschutzmaßnahme schadet der Natur und sogar dem Klima. #StopFakeRenewables #Red4Nature
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1608843344339427328
#StopFakeRenewables #RED4Nature
RT @BrunaDCampos: This investigative piece from @nytimes just visualised burning forest biomass for energy. Europe is basically burning our oldest forest for energy. Next week's vote on #REDIII can change all of this.
#REDIII #saveparadiseforests #RED4Nature
RT @EuroNaturORG: Achieving renewable energy goals does NOT have to come at the cost of nature! With proper spatial planning, RE like wind & solar can help us meet our carbon neutral goals & reverse biodiversity loss. @SeanKellyMEP said it best “We’re talking about saving the planet.” #RED4Nature
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SeanKellyMEP/status/1554443674725089282
RT @EuroNaturORG: Truly sustainable #RenewableEnergy means not promoting fake renewables such as #biomass and #hydropower and ensuring that spatial plans do not override the ecological boundaries of nature. @nicogoncas
#RED4Nature ##REDIII
@markuspiepermep @nilstorvalds
#renewableenergy #biomass #hydropower #RED4Nature #REDIII
RT @EuroNaturORG: .@violavoncramon says it is critical to have clean, climate-friendly energy solutions, as well as improving energy efficiency measures & reducing consumption in the EU. Can we expect these to be implemented in the #REDIII? #stopfakerenewables #RED4Nature
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1511610395231981572
#REDIII #StopFakeRenewables #RED4Nature