🗳Renewable energy directive #REDIII - ITRE endorses agreement with Council with 52 votes to 3, 6 abstentions, lead MEP @markuspiepermep
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Industry/status/1673984759012229122
Renewable energy: ITRE MEPs endorse deal with Council https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230626IPR00840/renewable-energy-itre-meps-endorse-deal-with-council #REDIII
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Industry/status/1674032498718670850
📌ITRE 28-29/06: Renewables #REDIII, Gigabit Infrastructure Act, @EUAuditors report on preparatory action on defence research https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230627IPR01105/itre-27-28-06-renewables-gigabit-infrastructure-act-defence-research
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Industry/status/1673635150649872384
Europe needs both nature restoration and renewables deployment https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/opinion/europe-needs-both-nature-restoration-and-renewables-deployment/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUrenewableenergydirective #RED3 #REDIII #RenewableEnergyDirective
#eurenewableenergydirective #red3 #REDIII #RenewableEnergyDirective
Will the EU’s renewables directive change the landscape for forest biomass? https://www.euractiv.com/section/biomass/opinion/will-the-eus-renewables-directive-change-the-landscape-for-forest-biomass/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUrenewableenergydirective #REDIII #RenewableEnergyDirective
#eurenewableenergydirective #REDIII #RenewableEnergyDirective
Die Europäische Union will ihren Anteil an erneuerbaren Energien in den nächsten Jahren hochschrauben. Doch das neue Ziel für 2030 bleibt hinter dem Notwendigen zurück. Die Verbrennung von #Holz aus Wäldern soll auch künftig als erneuerbar gelten. #REDIII
RT @peter_simone
Die Festlegung auf einen Anteil #Erneuerbarer von 42,5 % bis 2030 in der EU hätte ambitionierter ausfallen müssen, denn nur Erneuerbare sichern unsere Versorgung nachhaltig und zuverlässig. Es gibt Licht- & Schattenseiten bei der #REDIII. @bEEmerkenswert https://www.bee-ev.de/service/pressemitteilungen/beitrag/einigung-bei-red-iii-wichtige-weichenstellung-fuer-erneuerbare-energien
RT @BioenergyInfo
@Enviva said it was "pleased to hear that woody biomass will continue to be recognised as a renewable energy source in the EU".
#biomass #bioenergy #rediii
Das Trilog-Ergebnis zur #REDIII-Richtlinie ist positiv für die Waldbauern in Bayern und Deutschland: #Biomasse bleibt Biomasse. Auch durch den Einsatz der @CDU_CSU_EP ist nun klargestellt, dass Brennholz weiterhin als nachhaltige und erneuerbare Energie eingestuft bleibt.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ManfredWeber/status/1641447049379086342
Truly shocked by the outcome of the #REDIII trilogue on forest #biomass, and in particular by the power of national governments to bulldoze the European Parliament and the Commission when they want to . Policy convenience trumping coherence, science and common sense. Stay tuned.
Abstimmung Erneuerbare Energien Richtlinie: Waldbauern können aufatmen. Brennholz bleibt weiterhin erneuerbar. Mehrheit im Europäischen Parlament stimmt für Energie aus Waldholz!
#REDIII #RED #erneuerbareenergien
#REDIII #red #ErneuerbareEnergien #nachhaltigewaldwirtschaft
RT @BirdLifeEurope: 🇳🇱 MEPs, the wood pellets consumed in the Netherlands destroy Latvian forests!
Latvia produces at least 23% of Dutch consumption: https://www.birdlife.org/news/2022/09/05/of-clearcuts-and-birds-part4-latvia/
Tomorrow, you'll amend the #REDIII. Please follow our recommendations to stop burning forests: https://www.eubioenergy.com/2022/09/12/our-recommendations-for-the-eu-parliaments-plenary-vote-on-the-renew…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RookmakerDorien/status/1569747315015012353
Para que la UE tenga autonomía estratégica, necesita autonomía energética. Y para eso, necesitamos apostar por las #renovables para construir un modelo energético democrático, descentralizado y con control público.
#renovables #foodnotfuel #StopFakeRenewables #REDIII
RT @fredhellemann: Jeg håber de danske MEP'ere lytter til @greenpeacedk, @NOAH_dk & @verdensskove når de onsdag stemmer om regler for vedvarende energi #REDIII
At brænde træ for at blive grønnere er som at rydde træer for at få plads til mere skov.
#eudk #dkpol #dkgreen https://ekstrabladet.dk/nationen/kan-smadre-danmarks-image/9423634
Y por esta, entre otras razones, no podemos apoyar la Directiva europea de renovables #REDIII
RT @WWFEU: We urgently need more #RenewableEnergy, but replacing #FossilFuels by burning more wood from forests is climate madness.
🗳️ During the #EPlenary vote on #REDIII, the @europarl_en must vote to put a cap on primary woody #biomass as a renewable energy source.
#REDIII #StopFakeRenewables #renewableenergy #FossilFuels #EPlenary #biomass
RT @WWFEU: We urgently need more #RenewableEnergy, but replacing #FossilFuels by burning more wood from forests is climate madness.
🗳️ During the #EPlenary vote on #REDIII, the @europarl_en must vote to put a cap on primary woody #biomass as a renewable energy source.
#renewableenergy #FossilFuels #EPlenary #REDIII #biomass
We urgently need more #RenewableEnergy, but replacing #FossilFuels by burning more wood from forests is climate madness.
🗳️ During the #EPlenary vote on #REDIII, the @Europarl_EN must vote to put a cap on primary woody #biomass as a renewable energy source.
#biomass #REDIII #eplenary #fossilfuels #renewableenergy
Earlier in the year, I proposed a ‘Fit for 55’ label for public interest renewable energy projects.
I am happy to see elements of this in both the #REDIII and #RepowerEU plan. Planning authorities must have the resources they need to act with speed.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SeanKellyMEP/status/1569365465092468736
RT @BrunaDCampos: This investigative piece from @nytimes just visualised burning forest biomass for energy. Europe is basically burning our oldest forest for energy. Next week's vote on #REDIII can change all of this.
#REDIII #saveparadiseforests #RED4Nature
RT @CDU_CSU_EP: Das ganze Statement von @markuspiepermep zur Abstimmung zur #ErneuerbareEnergien Richtlinie #REDIII gibts hier ⬇️ https://www.cducsu.eu/artikel/pieper-ein-guter-tag-fuer-die-energiewende
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/markuspieperMEP/status/1547170250751447041