Dear friends on Mastodon,
I'd like your input on my WIP collection. Here are 200 random iterations. What do you think ?
I have the impression the energy level is a little too high, up to the point it feels a bit too random.
#REGL #webgl #abstractart #spirals #creativecoding
Same algorithm, different colors
#REGL #webgl #AbstractArt #GenerativeArt #spirals
#REGL #webgl #abstractart #generativeart #spirals
Experiments with regl continue… this palette is called “Bastille”.
#regl #webgl #color #GenerativeArt #france
#REGL #webgl #color #generativeart #france
Quick reminder that my latest project, “Conjunction Of The Spheres”, will be minting this Wednesday on #fxhash .
These pieces layer millions of almost transparent lines to get that glassy effect.
#fxhash #webgl #generativeart #color #REGL #abstract #creativecode
"Conjunction Of The Spheres".
Connecting rotating points on randomly placed circles with millions of almost transparent lines. As the lines intersect and blend, interesting shapes and patterns appear.
Minting next week at
#CleanNFT #fxhash #tezos #webgl #REGL
Tinkering with a visualization idea a friend posed: instead of using time zone offsets to know office hours between locations across the globe, what about showing daylight hours? Mocked up the rough concept in React+WebGL using dual azimuthal equidistant projections.
a tree has been added & those blue diamonds are in-progress "leaves". they are blue so that i can see them properly. they are slowly getting to the point where they will be arranged *around* the tree. :flan_guns:
fun with #regl!
this work-in-progress is a flat plane with a grid in the green channel of the fragment shader & a traveling blue noise function in the blue channel of the fragment shader.
the noise function is made with glsl-noise (, which is used in the fragment shader via the glslify transform ( for browserify.
here's the fragment shader that makes the effect:
frag: glsl`
precision highp float;
#pragma glslify: snoise = require('glsl-noise/simplex/3d')
uniform float time;
varying vec2 vpos;
void main () {
float x = step(mod(vpos.x, 1.0),0.5);
float y = step(mod(vpos.y, 1.0),0.5);
float g = snoise(vec3(vpos.xy, time*0.5));
gl_FragColor = vec4(0, mod(x+y, 2.0), g, 1.0);
#REGL #pragma #webgl #shader #shaders #creativecoding #wip
Say hello to #REGL.
REGL is a WebGL wrapper that takes a functional approach to drawing things. While ThreeJS and A-Frame's strengths lie in getting your 3D scene/cameras up and running, REGL's strength is in its flexible drawing paradigm.
For instance, my Matrix code has no scene or camera; ThreeJS insists I make both. EffectComposer hides one of each inside it! But REGL only insists that I have a vertex shader, a fragment shader, and the data to feed them with.