L’intento del #Governo non è mai stato quello di demonizzare il #PNRR, ma migliorarlo.
La relazione semestrale tiene conto di tutto: da composizione a finanziamento, confronto con #UE, stato di attuazione, #RePower, aumento dei prezzi e debolezza delle strutture amministrative.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RaffaeleFitto/status/1663949210201227275
.@VDombrovskis: "Strādājam pie tā, lai dalībvalstis pēc iespējas ātrāk īstenotu #REPower pasākumus un pēc iespējas efektīvāk izmantotu papildus līdzekļus.
Vidējā un ilgtermiņā ES turpinās veicināt atjaunojamo resursu īpatsvara palielināšanu enerģijas patēriņa struktūrā."
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EiropasKomisija/status/1640339261491748864
Wind farm repowering to the rescue
#wind #WindEnergy #windpower #energy #electrification #electricity #renewableenergy #GreenEnergy #cleanenergy #SDG7 #decarbonisation #Sustainability #SustainableDevelopment #windturbines #renewables #Texas #Delaware #greeneconomy #repower #repowering
#wind #windenergy #windpower #energy #electrification #electricity #renewableenergy #greenenergy #cleanenergy #SDG7 #decarbonisation #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #windturbines #renewables #texas #delaware #Greeneconomy #REPower #repowering
RT @AnneCalteux: Lively debate today with the students from Lycée Athénée’s international programme (IB) - during their lunch break ! 👌🏻 - on how the 🇪🇺 tackles climate change and the energy crisis. #GreenDeal #REPower #Fitfor55 #GreenDealIndustrialPlan
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UE_Luxembourg/status/1624073985565593600
#GreenDeal #REPower #Fitfor55 #GreenDealIndustrialPlan
la possibilité de degager les marges disponibles sur le FSE
Devant l’explosion des factures d’électricité, ce ne serait pas de trop pour les familles les plus pauvres ainsi que nos artisans et petites entreprises prises à la gorge. #repower #safe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/younousomarjee/status/1611296899361026048
#Pnrr: task force Ue, su #Repower #Eu non ci sarà estensione
'#Governo pensi a progetti maturi, o rischia di perdere fondi'
Mi sa che in UE hanno frainteso le parole di #Meloni "la pacchia è finita"...
#pnrr #REPower #eu #governo #meloni
Micro investment plans must be prepared in due time by GOVs so as #REPowerEU will run starting this winter. Commissionner @vestager offered support in switf state aid approval in today’s fruitful discussion. GOVs plans must be directed towards SMEs. Let’s #REPower private sector!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/dragos_pislaru/status/1595023639270785024
A une écrasante majorité, la Commission Regi adopte le rapport de @pascal_arimont sur #repower , ambitieuse pour soutenir l’objectif d’indépendance énergétique des régions d’Europe et protectrice de la politique de cohésion
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/younousomarjee/status/1577985847433039872
Ukrainalle luvassa integraatiota sisämarkkinoihin ja sen hyötyihin. #repower mukaisesti vaatimus irrottautumisvaatimus Venäjän kaasusta ja energiasta. Energiansäästöä jäsenmaille ehdotettu kuten myös voittojen hintakattoa energialle+ lisää sosiaalista tukea #SOTEU @vonderleyen
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/spietikainen/status/1569949681005862914
Good to hear about ambitious plans for Drogheda Ports and Bremore Ports - EU Ports will play an important role in the green transition - energy production and distribution hubs as part of #RePower EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/McGuinnessEU/status/1540399281932304385
Good to hear about ambitious plans for Drogheda Ports and Bremore Ports - EU Ports will play an important role in the green transition - energy production and distribution hubs as part of #RePower EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/McGuinnessEU/status/1540399281932304385
RT @RTVECanarias: ¿Conoces el programa europeo #REPOWER? En el @debatedela_1 te hablamos de este nuevo fondo de la
para acelerar la reconversión energética. Con
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/susanasolisp/status/1534494708646432770
RT @vonderleyen: The more interdependent we become in Europe, the more independent we become from Russia.
The ultimate aim is: an interconnected European market for clean energy.
That is the foundation of a true Union of Clean Energy.
And this is how we #REPower the EU.
RT @industriAll_EU: #REPower fails to address the short- and long-term risks of skyrocketing energy prices and sudden supply disruptions.
There's not enough in the plan to shield industry and workers says @industriAll_EU.
We are missing enough time for a #JustTransition!
"Cuanto más interdependientes seamos en Europa, más independientes nos volveremos de Rusia.
El objetivo final es: un mercado europeo interconectado de energía limpia.
Esa es la base de una verdadera Unión de Energía Limpia." @vonderleyen
RT @vonderleyen: The more interdependent we become in Europe, the more independent we become from Russia.
The ultimate aim is: an interconnected European market for clean energy.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1527313270259929091
RT @vonderleyen: The more interdependent we become in Europe, the more independent we become from Russia.
The ultimate aim is: an interconnected European market for clean energy.
That is the foundation of a true Union of Clean Energy.
And this is how we #REPower the EU.
RT @vonderleyen: The more interdependent we become in Europe, the more independent we become from Russia.
The ultimate aim is: an interconnected European market for clean energy.
That is the foundation of a true Union of Clean Energy.
And this is how we #REPower the EU.
RT @vonderleyen: The more interdependent we become in Europe, the more independent we become from Russia.
The ultimate aim is: an interconnected European market for clean energy.
That is the foundation of a true Union of Clean Energy.
And this is how we #REPower the EU.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EC_AVService/status/1527188170407915521
RT @vonderleyen: The more interdependent we become in Europe, the more independent we become from Russia.
The ultimate aim is: an interconnected European market for clean energy.
That is the foundation of a true Union of Clean Energy.
And this is how we #REPower the EU.