LIVE 6/21/23 8:00 pm EST #REVELATIONREDPILL Wed Ep18 When Was the #BookofRevelation Written!? It Changes Everything! Dating the book of #Revelation is key to understanding Biblical #endtimesprophesy. If John wrote his radical expository from the #IsleofPatmos after the fall of Jerusalem in #AD70 then the view that his #prophetic words still need fulfillment has some teeth. However, if John wrote this letter to the #7churches before AD 70, around 64-66 AD, then the Fall of Jerusalem & destruction of the Temple fits perfectly into the #Apocalyptic world John visualizes in his letter. We will take a deep dive into the fascinating internal & external clues: letters, books, and historical facts to see where they lead us. Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#REVELATIONREDPILL #BookOfRevelation #revelation #endtimesprophesy #IsleofPatmos #AD70 #prophetic #7churches #apocalyptic
LIVE 6/14/2023 #REVELATIONREDPILL Wed Ep 17- Man of Lawlessness- The Antichrist REVEALED! Who is this #ManOfLawlessness Paul talks about in #2Thessalonians 2-3? Is he the #antichrist ? Are they the same person called #TheBeast in #Revelation ? Buckle up. You are about to go for another wild ride that will blow out the cobwebs of dusty theories about who the Antichrist is in our modern world! #Whoistheantichrist #postmillenial #endtimes #LastDays Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#REVELATIONREDPILL #ManOfLawlessness #2Thessalonians #antichrist #TheBeast #revelation #Whoistheantichrist #postmillenial #endtimes #Lastdays
LIVE 6/7/23 8:00 PM EST #REVELATIONREDPILL Ep16 : Hollywood, Satan, & End Times Movies... Join tonight's deep dive into the dark relationship between #Hollywood & modern #EndTimes theory. Did you know some of the first films to depict the #Rapture & #Tribulation were done with Alfred Hitchcock horror film techniques designed to terrify? Millions have read #HalLindsey's #TheLateGreatPlanetEarth & #TimLahaye's #LeftBehind or have seen countless cheesy movies where Christians are #ratpured & the planet devolves into chaos ending in the destruction of the earth. But what if that isn't how the story goes? What if Christians inherit the planet & are to take dominion NOW? Watch!!!👇👇👇
#REVELATIONREDPILL #Hollywood #endtimes #rapture #tribulation #hallindsey #TheLateGreatPlanetEarth #TimLahaye #LeftBehind #ratpured
LIVE 5/31/23 8:00 PM EST #RevelationRedpill EP15: Using #SpiritualGifts to #AdvancetheKingdom #Dreams #Visions & #Prophecy- 12 guys changed the world with gifts God gave them to advance the #Kingdom into every part of the known world. They worked mighty #miracles #healings & received #propheticwords. #Angels let them out of prison; they had dreams and visions... Those gifts didn't go anywhere! Everyone in the Body of Christ is called to walk in the #miraculous manifestation of the #HolySpirit. The question for many is, how? Join us tonight as we help activate the dynamic power of God in your life so you too can advance the kingdom of God! Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#REVELATIONREDPILL #spiritualgifts #AdvancetheKingdom #dreams #visions #Prophecy #kingdom #miracles #Healings #propheticwords #angels #miraculous #HolySpirit
LIVE 5/24/23 8:00 PM EST #REVELATIONREDPILL Wed EP14: #Daniels70Weeks Fulfilled! Ask any modern end-time theologian about the timeline in Daniel & they will break out intricate charts explaining how we are waiting on the fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week for Jesus to come back. What if I told you we aren't waiting for that 70th week, but Christ already fulfilled that prophecy? Why is this important? Because how you read #Daniel9 changes how you view yourself in the #kingdomofGod & how you see the Body of Christ, either advancing triumphantly, or in a constant losing battle until the #2ndComing . Hint: we aren't losing! Watch!!! 👇👇👇#eschatology
#REVELATIONREDPILL #Daniels70Weeks #Daniel9 #kingdomofgod #2ndComing #eschatology
LIVE 4/26/23 8:00PM ET ***Kingdom RUMBLE CHANNEL*** (see link below) #RevelationRedPill Ep10- Destroying the Myth that God's #LandPromises are only for the Jews and Israel. Modern End Times theology is destructive to God's Creation, it teaches that the world must get worse & worse before Jesus comes back & that the #blessingsofAbraham are just for #Israel. This ideology has given evil men free reign to destroy God's beautiful creation and fill it with high rises, pollute the rivers and waterways, and stuff humans into suffocating cities. #Christians need to reclaim the land promises of God and then the Almighty can once again bless the nations. When God took the children of Israel into the Promised Land they were experiencing the fulfillment of God's Covenant to Abraham! Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#christians #israel #blessingsofAbraham #LandPromises #REVELATIONREDPILL
LIVE 4/19/23 8:00 PM ET (NEW TIME) #REVELATIONREDPILL Ep 9: Tonight we deepen our dive into one of the most powerful chapters in the New Testament! Many Christians believe that a #rapture & #greattribulation are imminent b/c of current events such as wars & earthquakes & #Matthew24; from a surface glance, they would seem to be right! But a closer look shows #Jesus was speaking about #judgment on a very specific group of people & time in history. Pastors Cory Gray, Serge DaRosa & Jason Heydinger help us unpack who the great tribulation was meant for & what happened when God’s judgment came in #70AD. #Endtimes #lastdays #Kingdomnow Watch!!!👇👇👇
#kingdomnow #Lastdays #endtimes #70AD #judgment #jesus #Matthew24 #GreatTribulation #rapture #REVELATIONREDPILL
1.) LIVE 3/29/23 7:30 PM ET #REVELATIONREDPILL Ep6: Views of the #MillennialReign & Shocking History of #RaptureTheory What do you believe about the return of Jesus Christ & the #MillennialReign? Do you know the origin of #Rapture Theology? The past 2000 yrs have seen many different beliefs about #Eschatology. Origen, the 3rd-century Christian thinker, emphasized the manifestation of the #kingdom in the soul, rather than in the world. 400 AD onward, St Augustine blasted any hope of Christ reigning physically here on earth. The founding fathers embraced the optimistic view of Christ reigning through His church body here on earth- the great missionary movements spread all over the globe as a result. In the 1800s, many different apocalyptic views burst forth such as Irving & Darby brand new theology, #Dispensationalism, with a new twist: a secret Rapture w/ 7 yrs of #Tribulation.
#tribulation #Dispensationalism #kingdom #eschatology #rapture #RaptureTheory #MillennialReign #REVELATIONREDPILL
LIVE 3/15/23 7:30 PM ET #REVELATIONREDPILL Wednesday: 7 Seals, Coming On the Clouds & 144,000 Ep.4 This week we're joined once again by speropictures Matt & Joy Thayer, to continue our discussion on the deep imagery the #Bible uses to depict #EndTimes events. This time they will be taking us through 3 of the biggest topics of end-times imagery: The #7Seals, The #144000, & The #ComingOnTheClouds- you DON'T want to miss this one! #lastdays #revelation #apocalypse Watch LIVE!!!
#Apocalypse #revelation #Lastdays #ComingOnTheClouds #7seals #endtimes #bible #REVELATIONREDPILL
LIVE 3/15/23 7:30 PM ET #REVELATIONREDPILL Wednesday: 7 Seals, Coming On the Clouds & 144,000 Ep.4 This week we're joined once again by speropictures Matt & Joy Thayer, to continue our discussion on the deep imagery the #Bible uses to depict #EndTimes events. This time they will be taking us through 3 of the biggest topics of end-times imagery: The #7Seals, The #144000, & The #ComingOnTheClouds- you DON'T want to miss this one! #lastdays #revelation #apocalypse Watch LIVE!!!
#Apocalypse #revelation #Lastdays #ComingOnTheClouds #7seals #endtimes #bible #REVELATIONREDPILL