Pour la modique somme de 599,99 €... 😅 #PSVR2 #REVillage #ResidentEvilVillage
#psvr2 #REVillage #ResidentEvilVillage
🐺 😎 Resident Evil Village|k errealitate birtualerako euskarria jasoko du datorren astean. Honek ekarriko duen jokagarritasuna eta berritasunak aditzera eman ditu Capcom|ek.
PS VR2|ra iritsiko da doako DLCaren bitartez.
SPOILERS!!!! for #REvillage #ShadowsOfRose
this was the sickest shit. even more fucked up than what was in the main game in this location
Finished RE Village and nah, my gothic loving ass ironically vastly preferred the last episode.
And, I know, everyone’s a critic, but Capcom, you storytellers are shit. The ending is full of overly long shots, cheap attempts at melodrama, and so verbose.
Unfortunate because I really liked the link to the series, overall chara design is cool, the antagonist motivation is interesting. And I have the hots for mother Miranda.
Good effort. Work on your delivery.
The Shadows of Rose DLC story is great because it's about accepting yourself for who you are. Despite whatever you may perceive as your faults.
RT @PatStaresAt@twitter.com
I’ve got great news for Resident Evil fans!
The VAs for Daniela and Lady D, will be live on @CapcomUSA_@twitter.com’s Twitch channel this Friday at 6pm PST to raise funds for @CPCharity@twitter.com and show off #REVillage Gold Edition. #ad #sponsored See you all Friday! https://www.twitch.tv/capcomusa!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PatStaresAt/status/1584988590706417664
RT @REStreamingDemo@twitter.com
The "Resident Evil Village Online Streaming Demo" is available now! One click is all you need to play instantly. Experience the Village and Castle demo now to get a taste of this critically-acclaimed game.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/REStreamingDemo/status/1534731752412835840
Resident Evil Villagentzako eduki gehigarriak prestatzen ari da Capcom
#bideojokoak #REVillage #E32021
RT @DominosMY@twitter.com
Even Lady Dimitrescu would take a little break from chasing Ethan Winters to have Domino's pizza. That's how you'd know our pizzas are so good, you'd forget about everything else. #residentevilvillage #REVillage 🍕🤤
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DominosMY/status/1390579854572093441
#residentevilvillage #REVillage
Тема того, что «Resident Evil Village» имеет много параллелей с «Resident Evil 4», зашла слишком далеко. Но концепт Ады Вонг в образе чумного доктора – ух как хорош. При моём прохладном отношении к серии и «Village», всё равно как-то жалко, что эту идею вырезали.
Tweet de PlayStation (@playstation)
PlayStation (@playstation) twitteó: Ethan Winters' nightmare continues. #REVillage is out today on PS5 and PS4: https://t.co/PHLp2yWpmw https://t.co/lmAaVifUpK https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1390682845056745474?s=20
RT @SapySha1997@twitter.com
#ResidentEvil #REVillage #REBHFun
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SapySha1997/status/1353013762450591744
#ResidentEvil #REVillage #REBHFun