Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
736 followers · 438 posts · Server

When working on my OFDM PHY, I wound up using the 802.3an LDPC matrices, and found doc typos. I've kept a thread over email alive for a few months where David Law (not on fedi?) shepherded an oddball email into a maintenance request, now live at

Wild to see how things like 802.3 works, I don't know what I expected but it's been a total learning experience. The 802.3 maintainers put *so* much time and effort into the spec, and I appreciate them so very much!

#hztools #RF

Last updated 1 year ago

uanews · @uanews
12472 followers · 6180 posts · Server

Our very own UAO-Victory Gallery Kyiv volunteer, @niki_vlad_act, created the 🇺🇦 Heart mosaic, incorporating flechettes found in Hostomel airport, and a screw from SU-34 -81251 shot down Mar 1 '22.

Autographed mosaic in our shop & ready to ship.

Original tweet :


Last updated 2 years ago

uanews · @uanews
12327 followers · 7857 posts · Server

Need to get a unique gift quickly? We have a few SU-34 keychains ready to ship, all made from the SU-34 -81251.

All proceeds go to help the defenders of freedom.

Questions? DM VG Curator @LennyPridatko

Original tweet :


Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
645 followers · 279 posts · Server is able to read and write IQ at a byte boundary - things like process pipes (it's really fun to pipe IQ between processes using UNIX pipes), files on disk or over the network(!). It's very VERY simple, and the "grown up" thing to do is to use SigMF - but this works well for its very tiny ambitions of shuffling data at a single sample rate and format between processes over a byte based transport.

Protocol docs @

#hztools #hamradio #RF

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
645 followers · 279 posts · Server and can demodulate (and modulate for FM) analog audio from IQ.

It's very fun to listen to analog FM radio, the local ham radio repeater via a tiny go program. This was the first "Hello World" I wrote back in 2018.

#hztools #hamradio #RF

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
645 followers · 279 posts · Server and contain a lot of the basics -- the concept of Frequencies, IQ sample formats, the interface for an SDR (receiver, transmitter, transceiver), basic I/O helpers, stream helpers, and the drivers for the rtl-sdr, HackRF, PlutoSDR, UHD, and AirspyHF+ Discovery.

#hztools #hamradio #RF

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
645 followers · 279 posts · Server

I'm very thankful to everyone who helped me over the years, and all the and nerds who've helped me along the way.

I'm hoping all this can help "pay it forward" by helping others learn with a codebase that's understand-able by a single person (since a single person wrote it)

#RF #hamradio #hztools

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
645 followers · 269 posts · Server

After 4 years, I've started to hit "Make Public" on a bunch of my Go SDR code. I've published the overview blog post at

I'm still slightly worried -- I really don't want to maintain this for the world to use (use @gnuradio) but it's been fairly stable recently, so I'm very hopeful that this will be useful to those looking to learn.

I'll be publishing more over time as the repos I'm learning in stabilize or are "done".

#hztools #hamradio #ham #RF #Golang #sdr

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
515 followers · 159 posts · Server

For the first time in any open source project -- and maybe ever for me? -- I actually felt like I had specific and helpful answers on a RF/SDR topic! This is actually a pretty big deal for me on my journey to learn how radios work, and I only hope I didn't fuck up too bad 🤣


#sdr #RF

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Knell · @m
253 followers · 66 posts · Server

Now two weeks into getting myself again (I used to be, if not super-fast, at least reasonably good at it) because I suddenly realised that my weight in kg was now not only in the FM broadcast band but in BBC Radio 4 territory. I’m generally more comfortable if it’s around the 4-metre navigation window. Yes, I am an nerd.

#running #Radio #RF

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Tagliamonte · @paul
379 followers · 123 posts · Server

On my adventures, I have been chipping away at building a phased array to do some basic beamforming to prove that I understand it. It's proven to be a wicked challenge to understand, so even after I convinced myself my math was right, it was tough to empirically measure the results in a meaningful way


Last updated 2 years ago