Hackaday Prize 2023: Sleek Macro Pad Makes 2FA a Little Easier - We all know the drill when it comes to online security — something you know, and s... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/20/hackaday-prize-2023-sleek-macro-pad-makes-2fa-a-little-easier/ #two-factorauthenication #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #contests #cherrymx #esp32-s3 #feather #rfc6238 #usbhid #salt #totp #2fa #ntp #tft
#tft #ntp #2fa #totp #salt #usbhid #RFC6238 #feather #esp32 #cherrymx #contests #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #two
#TIL #2fa
I've been cautious about time left before it expires to enter a #TOTP trying to make sure it would make it to the server and get authenticated before the timer bar in my #authenticator runs out. Then I noticed that even if I'm a little late it still works. So I got curious and started experimenting. Turned out it still works even when I'm late quite a bit. Then I found #RFC6238 which recommends the servers to accept expired tokens within a time window. How clever! Now you know too.
#til #2fa #totp #authenticator #RFC6238
While Microsoft Authenticator removes support for Apple Watch, @bitwarden adds support for Apple Watch.
#authenticator #opensource #totp #RFC6238
While Microsoft Authenticator removes support for Apple Watch, @Bitwarden adds support for Apple Watch.
#authenticator #opensource #totp #RFC6238
@pink @IzzyOnDroid
"Push": Das klingt proprietär und fühlt sich für mich eh etwas gruselig an...
Solange aber ein "#TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm" gemäß #RFC6238 zum Einsatz kommt, sollte man das Verfahren mit jedem passenden Tool bestreiten können. Wozu gibt es offene Standards? 😉