@pluralistic there was a thread on Hacker News on what a Hippocratic Oath would look like for software engineering.
i started my answer by citing #rfc8890, The Internet is For End Users. so glad we have this rfc. there's a bunch of other great things the Hippocratic Oath promises that are all too relevant. don't seduce or use people in the house you enter. when you enter a house keep what you see/hear there in confidence. you are there for the user/patient; do that, no more.
#rfc8890 the internet is for end users!!! yessssssssss yes yess
fight for the user!
#MarkNottingham: "#RFC8890: The #Internet is for #EndUsers"
"So at its heart, The Internet is for End Users is a call for #IETF participants to stop pretending that they can ignore the non-technical #consequences of their decisions, a call for broader #consultation when making them, and continued #focus on the #EndUser
[…] It doesn’t bind IETF decisions, but it is considered persuasive because the #IAB has a mandate to consider issues affecting the Internet #architecture"
#architecture #iab #EndUser #focus #consultation #consequences #ietf #endusers #internet #RFC8890 #MarkNottingham