How can sport benefit from the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility #RFF?
From sustainable mobility 🚲 to digitalisation📱, check our factsheet to learn more about the integration of sport in national recovery plans with concrete examples from Spain, Italy, and Croatia.
Emissionsfreie Busse 🚌, Laptops für Schulen👩💻 & Reparaturbonus 🔧: Das sind nur einige Beispiele dafür, was das EU-Aufbauinstrument #NextGenerationEU 🇪🇺📈 den Bürgerinnen & Bürgern in Vorarlberg bringt. #RFF
Mehr dazu im Gastkommentar von @MartinSelmayr in der @NEUEVT 👇
Was bringt der EU-Aufbauplan Bürgerinnen & Bürger in den österreichischen 🇦🇹 Regionen?
#NextGenerarionEU 🇪🇺📈 #RFF
@MartinSelmayr hat dazu einen „Brief an Tirol“ @TTNachrichten verfasst. 👇
Ich bin als #Budget-Kommissar sehr froh über diese Investition, welche der #EU-Aufbauplan #RFF unterstützt.
Die #Koralmbahn wird nicht nur den 🇦🇹BürgerInnen Vorteile durch die Anbindung d. Südens bringen,sie ist auch wesentlicher Teil d. #europ. TEN-T-Korridors!
#Koralmbahn #budget #EU #RFF #Europ
Unterwegs mit @unsereOEBB in der #Steiermark zur #Koralmbahn, einem der Vorzeigeprojekte im Rahmen des 🇦🇹 Aufbauplans #RFF!
Gemeinsam 🇪🇺🇦🇹 stellen wir die Weichen für eine grüne 🌱 & digitale 👩💻 Zukunft.
Mithilfe des EU-Aufbauplans #NextGenerationEU investiert Österreich 3,75 Mrd €.
Experten der @EU_Commission @ecfin & 🇦🇹@MFA_Austria haben sich in Wien🎡über die Fortschritte ausgetauscht.
Geef je mening over de herstel- en veerkrachtfaciliteit (#RFF) in een tussentijdse enquête. Zowel EU-inwoners als andere belanghebbenden kunnen hun feedback geven.
De openbare raadpleging:🔗
#ECOFIN | 🇪🇺 Finance and Economy Ministers are in Brussels to discuss the economic and financial impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and economic governance review. It also aims to adopt an implementing decision under the Recovery and Resilience Facility #RFF
Fernando Medina, Minister for Finance, represents 🇵🇹
TEGEN nog meer geld naar EU. Met een hoge inflatie en lidstaten met steeds meer schulden stemt het EU Parlement voor nog meer geld naar het #RFF en een vrije besteding door lidstaten. Heel onverstandig. Ik stemde TEGEN in de gezamenlijke stemmig van de ECON en Budget commissie.
🚨Big moment for rule of law+🇪🇺funds!
➡️ 1st use of conditionality mechanism proves effective,delivering struct.improvements
➡️ MS will protect € 6.3 bn of 🇪🇺funding until 🇭🇺adopts agreed remedial reforms
➡️ 🇭🇺will get #RFF funding as soon as super milestones addressed 1/2
El #RFF, el #Festival de #Cine #Ruso, llega a #España de la mano de #Cineclick
La plataforma de #streaming Cineclick ( acoge la tercera edición en España del RFF, Russian Film Festival, un evento online que busca acercar el cine ruso a los #cinéfilos #españoles.…
#RFF #festival #cine #ruso #españa #Cineclick #Streaming #Cinéfilos #españoles
🇪🇺 🇧🇬 Повече за Плана за възстановяване и устойчивост на България, можете да научите от Годишното събитие, което ще събере в дискусия представители на ЕК и българските власти.
🔴 🎥 Гледайте на живо утре от 14:30 ч. на Фейсбук страницата ни!
„България вече е на път да получи 1,37 млрд. евро по първото си искане за плащане по #RFF. Насърчаваме 🇧🇬 да продължи със своевременното изпълнение на Плана.“
Това каза Селин Гауер, генерален директор и ръководител на Работната група за възстановяване и устойчивост на ЕК.
#Introduction Greetings all! I am the Professor of Economics and Environmental Justice at #UIUC. I am currently an #AJAE Co-editor, #AAEA board member, #RFF University Fellow, and #BANR member. I study and teach equity, conservation, and environmental valuation, and do DEI work in the College of ACES. Actual life interests: our cats, my family, singing, hiking, kayaking, reading books that aren't serious.
#introduction #UIUC #AJAE #AAEA #RFF #BANR
#okkoHotel sur les quais de la gare de l'Est.
Ici, la #SNCF construit avec l' #argentpublic, deux nouvelles voies dont un quai desservira le perron de l'hôtel.
Les clients arriveront sur leur quai de départ (Futurs TGV Est à venir) en sortant de l'ascenseur Okko.
Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, quand on va privatiser, tous les investissements hors de prix auront déjà été réalisés avec l'argent public, ou transférés à #RFF .
Ce sera l'avalanche de #brouzoufs pour les copains.
#okkoHotel #sncf #argentpublic #RFF #brouzoufs
Establishing a special taskforce between the @EPPGroup and the @EPP_CoR would be key to find solutions for the implementation of the #RFF and tackle existing challenges. @OGeblewicz #RoadToRecovery @SMuresan @EPP
Establishing a special taskforce between the @EPPGroup and the @EPP_CoR would be key to find solutions for the implementation of the #RFF and tackle existing challenges. @OGeblewicz #RoadToRecovery @SMuresan @EPP
📗#ECAJournal | Philippe Cichowlaz is Head of the European Cohesion Policy Division at the French National Agency for Territorial Cohesion. In this article, he explains how the 🇫🇷 regional & national authorities prepared to implement the #RFF. 👇
È sempre molto interessante visitare i progetti finanziati dall’Ue.
Oggi in🇮🇹sono stato così fortunato da visitare:Veneto per i Beni Culturali che forma e assume giovani tirocinanti per aiutare a restaurare edifici storici🏤 #ESF-il collegamento ad alta velocità tra MI e VE #RFF
RT @NicolasSchmitEU: Always interesting to visit EU-funded projects 🇪🇺💶
Today in 🇮🇹 I was fortunate enough to visit two:
Veneto per i Beni Culturali w…
RT @GreensEFA: EU Commission President @vonderleyen would make a big mistake to free 24 billion euro of Recovery funds #RFF for Poland without substantial improvements to the rule of law.
❌ We cannot allow governments to take away people rights and get rewarded for it.