Why do #keyboards have to be either absolutely basic, RSI-inducing, cheap pieces of plastic or over-the-top mechanical, gamer, #RGB monstrosities for hundreds of bucks? Why can’t we have a reasonably priced, #ergonomic keyboard that I won’t be ashamed to use at work?
#keyboards #mechanicalkeyboard #gaming
#keyboards #RGB #ergonomic #mechanicalkeyboard #gaming
Fibonacci HDR Heart first light! 🤩
#RGB magic provided via a #Pixelblaze Pico by @wizard mounted on the back. Magnetic battery holder by @geekmomprojects makes it into a necklace.
Still need to work on the pixel map, diffuser, and back cover.
:ve: Heute gibt es mal wieder #Hintergrundbilder im #RGB-#Design für Eure #Apple #Watch sowie fürs #iPhone! Die neuen #Wallpaper findet Ihr auf: https://anb030.de/a/rgb-wallpaper/
#hintergrundbilder #RGB #Design #Apple #watch #iphone #wallpaper
Fi-balloon-acci64! 🎈✨
Full credit to @ItsMrJP for the idea. The front is white acrylic with a thin black layer that can be laser etched away. Behind that is a black acrylic grid, then a Fibonacci64 driven by an #ESP8266 using #FastLED. All mounted onto a laser cut acrylic back using M2 screws and standoffs.
#LaserCutting #lasercut #laser #rgb_leds #RGB #LEDs #led #FastLED #esp8266
Since the Fibonacci256 HDR and #LuxLavalier both use #PixelBlaze controllers, the exact same pattern code and tutorials work for both!
#spirals #fibonacci #rgb_leds #LEDs #RGB #PixelBlaze #luxlavalier
🔈 Loud music warning! 😁
Playing around with the Fibonacci256 HDR + #PixelBlaze, mapping audio data from the Sensor Board by @wizard in various ways.
Get yours on @tindie here: https://www.tindie.com/products/19429
More info: https://www.evilgeniuslabs.org/fibonacci256-hdr-pixelblaze
#led #LEDs #RGB #Fibonacci #Music #MusicReactive #AudioReactive #DancingLEDs
#dancingleds #audioreactive #musicreactive #music #fibonacci #RGB #LEDs #led #PixelBlaze
My current cozy WFH desk setup
#wfh #desksetup #monitor #mac #macbook #macbookpro #mechanicalkeyboard #battlestation #desk #workstation #rgb #wallpaper #apple #ipad #iphone #google
#wfh #desksetup #monitor #mac #macbook #macbookpro #mechanicalkeyboard #battlestation #desk #workstation #RGB #wallpaper #apple #ipad #iPhone #google
So, I'm making a synth out of a Pi4 and I might have gone overboard, a little.
👊 @raspberrypi
🤖 #synth #synthesizer #raspberries #raspberry #raspberrypi4 #pi4 #modularsynth #modular #linux #rgb #composer #musician #musiceducation #musicproducer #musicproduction #producer #soundtrack #sounddesign #unity #unrealengine #unreal #gamedevelopment #gamedev #indiegame #indiedev #scifi #cyberpunk
#synth #synthesizer #raspberries #raspberry #raspberrypi4 #pi4 #modularsynth #modular #linux #RGB #composer #musician #musiceducation #musicproducer #musicproduction #producer #soundtrack #sounddesign #unity #unrealengine #unreal #gamedevelopment #gamedev #indiegame #indiedev #SciFi #cyberpunk
I'm a big fan of the Wyze color bulbs. I've tried others, and the Wyze bulbs blow them away with brightness and color accuracy. So here's my simple web interface to control them locally: https://github.com/dgmltn/wyze-python
My monitor can apparently do P3.
I set it to that color space and managed to make it look pretty decent with some help from Windows native color calibration (I needed to pull down some greens), but upon switching computers, the MacOS calibration only allowed me to move along one axis (from warm/yellow to cool/purple - the tint I think?) to adjust the white point - and it never really helped me lose the greening.
Back to "Standard" settings then!
#p3 #colorspace #RGB #monitor #calibration
01 Net: Windows 11 : Microsoft va intégrer des réglages pour piloter l’éclairage RGB de votre PC https://www.01net.com/actualites/windows-11-microsoft-va-integrer-des-reglages-pour-piloter-leclairage-rgb-de-votre-pc.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #Actualités #windows11 #RGB
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #actualites #windows11 #RGB
What happens if we allow the color component to #diffuse out of the #MonaLisa?
In this experiment, the #pixels of the Mona Lisa supply us with initial #RGB color component values, ranging from 0 to 255 (256 possible states for each component, for each pixel, at time t = 0).
We then allow the red color component to diffuse out, according to the #HeatEquation, ∆u = ∂u/∂t; we step forward in time, solving for all color component values u, at each spatial location (x, y) in the painting 🖼 (along the edges of the painting, color components are held constant, so that we have a well-defined boundary value problem).
We can see here what happens to the image as the red component diffuses out.
#diffuse #monalisa #Pixels #RGB #heatequation
Windows 11 could soon allow you to control your computer’s peripherals’ RGB settings
Syncing multiple RGB peripherals from different OEMs can be a pain, but a new setting in a Windows 11 preview build could change that.
#Windows #RGB #Windows11 #technews
#windows #RGB #Windows11 #technews
Je denkt dat het maar een zinloze toevoeging is, het is ook geen innovatie te noemen.. maar rgb op je hardware maakt elke dag zoveel vrolijker
My final assembly table is full of parts for #LuxLavalier, #EvilGeniusLabs Krakens, Fibonacci64 Flowers, Fibonacci256, and Fibonacci512!
Have you ever seen so many #PixelBlaze in one photo?! 🤩
Or PixelBlaze Sensor Expanders still panelized?
Lux Lavalier is in stock in @wizard's store:
Everything else is coming to my @tindie store in the next few weeks!
#LEDs #RGB #RGBLEDs #Laser #LaserCutting #LaserCut #PCBs #BadgeLife
#badgelife #pcbs #lasercut #LaserCutting #laser #rgbleds #RGB #LEDs #PixelBlaze #evilgeniuslabs #luxlavalier
Die für mich größten Genies unserer Zeit sind Menschen, die Farbtöne aus dem RGB-Farbraum "erfinden".
#timmalzer #barbarabecker #Erfinder #Erfinderinnen #RGB
As requested, I've designed a #lasercut enclosure for the 50mm Fibonacci64, which was previously intended only for #RGB #LED goggle builds. I've updated the @tindie listing: https://www.tindie.com/products/26706