#ThickTrunkTuesday. Betula anoides, a type of Birch native to Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Here growing on Battleston Hill, #RHSWisley.
#ThickTrunkTuesday Patagonian oak (nothofagus obliqua) also known as roble beech. Native to Argentina and Chile, here, the first leaves of spring are beginning to appear. #RHSWisley
#ThickTrunkTuesday. Hornbeam (carpina betulis ‘Fastigiata’) showing off its beautiful bark in the spring sunshine. #RHSWisley
#ThickTrunkTuesday. Austrian pine or black pine (pinus nigra). This tree is native to Southern Europe and parts of the Mediterranean littoral. This specimen is growing in the arboretum at #RHSWisley.
#ThickTrunkTuesday. Port Orford cedar or Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Intertexta’). Native to the western USA. This double-trunked specimen is growing in the Arboretum at #RHSWisley.
#ThickTrunkTuesday. Scots pine (pinus sylvestris) on a bright day in December 2022. #RHSWisley arboretum.
#ThickTrunkTuesday. Pinus x holfordiana on a sunny day in September 2022. This is a hybrid between the Mexican White Pine, Pinus ayacahuite, and the Blue Pine, Pinus wallichiana. #RHSWisley Arboretum.
#IndoorPlants #IndoorPlantDisplays #Succulents. Sansevieria canalículata (snake plant). Glasshouse, #RHSWisley
#indoorplants #indoorplantdisplays #succulents #RHSWisley
#ThickTrunkTuesday. The ‘dawn redwood’ (metasequoia glyptostroboides). This beautiful tree is of an endangered species found naturally only in a few isolated locations in China although it is well represented in arboretums around the world. #RHSWisley
#IndoorPlants. A chess set with a difference, at #RHSWisley. #Succulents #Cacti.
#indoorplants #RHSWisley #succulents #cacti
#ThickTrunkTuesday. An European Oak on Battleston Hill at #RHSWisley photographed in August 2020. This beautiful tree looks as though it has been the victim of a lightning strike.
#indoorplants from #RHSWisley. A composition with opuntia, rebutia, senecio and astrophytum. #Succulents #Cacti
#indoorplants #RHSWisley #succulents #cacti
#IndoorPlants. Another cactus display from #RHSWisley. This time, a composition with echinocactus (large globe and small globes left and right), rebutia (centre) and opuntia (rear left).
#IndoorPlants: Euphorbia trigona ‘rubra’ next to samsevieria caniculata (snake plant) on the left. #RHSWisley glasshouse.
#ThickTrunkTuesday. Old man on the hill. Oak (quercus robur) near the visitor centre, #RHSWisley.
Yet more indoor plants from #RHSWisley. A composition with rebutia (the spherical ones) and rhipsalis. #IndoorPlants