Leonard Blaschek · @leonardblaschek
149 followers · 163 posts · Server fediscience.org

Appreciate that you took the time, although that statement fails to engage with the problem in any meaningful way. That the NHS uses palantir software is disgraceful in itself, and the answer should be to provide powerful alternatives ( ?), instead of ossifying the status quo.

I've switched over to and don't see myself turning back. Shame, though.


#RKWard #gnuhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Leonard Blaschek · @leonardblaschek
148 followers · 138 posts · Server fediscience.org

Couple days of rkward-ness and I gotta say I'm pretty happy. It helps that is built around kate, which is my favorite editor anyways.

Only mildly missing some quality of life markdown features like a document outline and an 'execute chunk' function. Surprisingly painless transition, considering I've used rstudio every day for 5(?) years now.


Last updated 2 years ago

Schluffiger Schluff · @schluff
75 followers · 264 posts · Server norden.social

@devSJR @clomp I use on Openbox. Works great!
There's a couple of KDE applications I find indispensable, like BasKet Note Pads, Dolphin, and Okular, and I use all of them without Plasma.


Last updated 2 years ago

Schluffiger Schluff · @schluff
75 followers · 264 posts · Server norden.social

So, ihr Lieben und Bösen!
Hier ist er nun für euch, der heißeste Scheiß aus den Harburger Bergen.

Meine Catena (Reliefschnitt durch die Bodenlandschaft) als Resultat einer Kleingruppen-Bodenkartierung.

Verortet und vorverarbeitet in QGIS, weiterverarbeitet und visualisiert mit R. :blobcatscience:

#qgis #r #rstats #RKWard #Catena #Bodenkunde

Last updated 2 years ago