I recall one time when VP Pence went to South Korea and I was the radio pooler traveling with him, #ROK security officials tried to bar the US pool from Pence's handhake with the Japanese and South Korean leaders. US Secret Service agents insisted we be allowed the room, blocked the South Korean agents and literally pushed the US journalists INTO the room so we could do our job.
#DPRK has fired several cruise missiles towards the Yellow Sea early Saturday, according to the #ROK military. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20230902000451325?section=nk/nk #Korea
In coordination with the #ROK and #Japan, the US is sanctioning two individuals and one entity allegedly involved in generating revenue for the unlawful development of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles by the #DPRK. https://ofac.treasury.gov/recent-actions/20230831 #Korea #Russia
#ROK #japan #DPRK #korea #russia
"Any provocations or attacks against any one of our three countries will trigger a decision-making process of this trilateral framework," says #ROK President Yoon.
#ROK President Yoon refers to "a strong alliance of values" among his country, Japan and the US.
Three leaders have agreed to establish a "communications channel," says #ROK President Yoon at Camp David. This is apparently the "hotline" to which President Biden mentioned in his remarks.
#ROK spy agency reportedly believed #DPRK may launch an ICBM to protest Camp David trilateral summit on Friday. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20230817005752315?section=nk/nk
#ROK JCS says #DPRK has launched another ballitic missile "into the East Sea." https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20230725000400504?section=politics/all
US nuclear-capable submarine making a port call in Busan, #ROK for the first time in decades. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20230718007551315
부활 (Born Again)
비와 당신의 이야기 (Story of the Rain and You)
From their debut 1986 album 'Rock Will Never Die'
The break on this slowburner escalates it to a Niel Diamond-level singalong anthem.
🤘 🍻 🎶 😭 💗 🎸 🎤 🎶 🇰🇷
#PowerBallad #ClassicRock #SlowMetal #Korea #SouthKorea #ROK #한국 #ToastiesPlaylist
#powerballad #classicrock #slowmetal #korea #southkorea #ROK #한국 #toastiesplaylist
#ROK JCS says the South Korean military has recovered parts of a rocket used in last month's failed attempt by the #DPRK to launch North Korea's first military satellite. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20230616000951325?section=national/defense