What do we know about the weather on a particular day in the late 16th century? Not much - not even from our #ROPEWALK logbooks.
But there is an exception, the defeat of the Spanish Armada on 8 August 1588. With a different circulation pattern, I would probably write this text in Spanish.
Great #EGU23 session (both talks and posters!) on "Climate of the last two millennia" with many interesting discussions. I gave an update on our
@Rigsarkivet - @dmidk project #ROPEWALK. The logbooks of all Danish ships involved in the Battle of Køge Bay 1677 will be digitised.
Dette er jobbet, du vil have! #DMI og #Rigsarkivet arbejder sammen i projektet #ROPEWALK, hvis formål er at digitalisere alle skibsjournaler og logbøger i arkivet - kun hvis vi kender fortidens vejr, kan vi sige noget om fremtidens klima! Logbøgerne skal transskriberes med hjælp af #machinelearning, og vi søger en dygtig og idérig #datascientist til projektet.
#datascientist #machinelearning #ROPEWALK #Rigsarkivet #DMI
Finally! These logbooks from the Royal Greenlandic Trading Company (KGH) are the first to be scanned in the #ROPEWALK project. Adam Jon Kronegh and I estimate this to be roughly 1% of all the documents to be digitized.
KGH had a monopoly on all trade with #Greenland from 1774 to 1950. #Rigsarkivet #DanishMeteorologicalInstitute
Once they have been scanned, the logbooks return to the National Archive and will not be touched for the remainder of the project.
#danishmeteorologicalinstitute #Rigsarkivet #Greenland #ROPEWALK
Finally! These logbooks from the Royal Greenlandic Trading Company (KGH) are the first to be scanned in #ROPEWALK. @adamjonkronegh@twitter.com and I estimate this at ~1% of all documents to be digitized. KGH had a monopoly on all trade with Greenland from 1774 to 1950. @Rigsarkivet@twitter.com @dmidk@twitter.com
I am rather new here...
Working as a climate researcher at #DMI. Coordinating scientist of the #PolarPortal.
Working with a focus on climate change in the #Arctic and #Africa.
I am coordinating #ROPEWALK, a project aiming to digitize all logbooks (more than 750 shelf metres) in the National Archive of Denmark.
I have dual citizenship 🇩🇰 and 🇩🇪.
#Climate #ClimateChange #Greenland #IceSheets #PolarPortal #ROPEWALK #Arctic #Permafrost #Africa #Weather #Cycling #Photography #Science
#science #photography #cycling #weather #permafrost #IceSheets #Greenland #climatechange #Climate #ROPEWALK #africa #arctic #PolarPortal #DMI #introduction