It's not an unfamiliar tale; a DM starts to date a player, which is fine but then seems to isolate another player—perhaps even subconsciously bullying.
Completely Unfathomable includes a cavernous Underworld and an aboveground hex crawl of a recently thawed land previously covered by a glacier.
#dcc #rpgtips
Professional GM Ben Jackson-Ellery shares tips on how to (or not to) align with different RPG playing styles
Most systems have moments where things kick off and slide modes – we are now in the 'combat section'. #rpgtips
Ben, Geek Native's professional GM, describes why genres labels can be dangerously misleading for players (and does so in his Genre Police column!) #rpgtips
Death Saves in D&D kinda suck. There, I said it. Let's find out why and look at RPGs that do it differently #rpgtips
Your characters lose track of who they really are.
#Authodons #ttrpg #writing #RPGTips #writingprompt
Ben and the Genre Police share advice from a professional GM on what to do when players drop out, and schedules get in the way of campaigns. #rpgtips
Survivor's Guide to the Ascension War #rpgtips #worldofdarkness
Genre Police: Passing Down(time) #rpgtips #genrepolice
Genre Police: Making Mistakes - Last time, I talked about ideas you could put into your game to help foster an inclusive table that represented all peoples. #rpgtips
Genre Police: Pacemaker - #rpgtips on how to structure a game #genrepolice
One of the most interesting and engaging websites for examining tabletop rpgs is The Indie Game Reading Club and Paul does amazing work. Here is a lovely article concerning stagecraft as a GM technique. Check out the IGRC and their patreon. They are good peeps. #RPGTips #rpgs #ttrpg #indierpg #GMAdvice
#RPGTips #rpgs #ttrpg #indierpg #GMAdvice
Tips and Tricks for Running Superhero RPGs.
Check out this podcast segment on YouTube where @DarkElfLX shares what he's learned after reading a ton of Supers RPG and running a few games.
#ttrpg #TTRPS #SuperHeroRPGs #HeroicRPGs #RPGTips #GMTips