Your character finds a magical item, but they are not entirely sure of its purpose.
#writing #dnd #ttrpg #amwriting #writingprompt #RPGhook
Your characters kill the monster. But it was actually stopping something worse.
#ttrpg #writing #RPGhook #writingprompt
The players must take a difficult path. The peasants who use the path every day are curious about their hesitancy.
#RPGhook #ttrpg #dnd #rpg #writing
(The Suspension Bridge on the Border of Hida and Etchū Provinces, from the series Remarkable Views of Bridges in Various Provinces, Katsushika Hokusai, ca. 1830)
#writing #rpg #dnd #ttrpg #RPGhook
This is not an island.
#Authodons #writing #dnd #ttrpg #writingprompt #RPGhook
What's your favourite homebrew monster? Do you think it's an advantage or disadvantage to throw something at the players they haven't read about and have no idea how to deal with?
#tabletopgaming #dnd #RPGhook #ttrpg
How is it you make your characters desperate to succeed?
#WritingTips #RPGhook #dnd #ttrpg #AmWriting #writing #authodons
#Authodons #writing #amwriting #ttrpg #dnd #RPGhook #writingtips
Your characters are whisked off their feet and into something unexpected.
#Authodons #writing #ttrpg #RPGhook #writingprompt
Do you cross genres? To what advantage?
#Authodons #writing #ttrpg #dnd #RPGhook #writingtips
You don't have to make it bigger to make it scarier.
#WritingTips #horror #RPGhook #ttrpg #dnd #AmWriting #authodons #writing #StarWars
#starwars #writing #Authodons #amwriting #dnd #ttrpg #RPGhook #horror #writingtips
Does your character have an item of clothing they only wear on special occasions? What might make them wear it anyway?
#WritingPrompt #AmWriting #RPGhook #ttrpg #dnd #writing #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #writing #dnd #ttrpg #RPGhook #amwriting #writingprompt