RT @alemannoEU: 🚨 Breaking: European judges challenge the EU approval of #Poland’s recovery & resilience plan before EU General Court just a few months before elections in the country
Here’s a🧵 on why, how and what of this unprecedented development #ruleoflaw #RPP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/katarinabarley/status/1564175224211476482
RT @alemannoEU: 🚨 Breaking: European judges challenge the EU approval of #Poland’s recovery & resilience plan before EU General Court just a few months before elections in the country
Here’s a🧵 on why, how and what of this unprecedented development #ruleoflaw #RPP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/milan_brglez/status/1564143305390268416
RT @alemannoEU: 🚨 Breaking: European judges challenge the EU approval of #Poland’s recovery & resilience plan before EU General Court just a few months before elections in the country
Here’s a🧵 on why, how and what of this unprecedented development #ruleoflaw #RPP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/VivianeRedingEU/status/1563942620367388674
RT @alemannoEU: 🚨 Breaking: European judges challenge the EU approval of #Poland’s recovery & resilience plan before EU General Court just a few months before elections in the country
Here’s a🧵 on why, how and what of this unprecedented development #ruleoflaw #RPP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1563952952682979329
RT @alemannoEU: 🚨 Breaking: European judges challenge the EU approval of #Poland’s recovery & resilience plan before EU General Court just a few months before elections in the country
Here’s a🧵 on why, how and what of this unprecedented development #ruleoflaw #RPP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/daniel_freund/status/1563941813165211654
RT @alemannoEU: 🚨 Breaking: European judges challenge the EU approval of #Poland’s recovery & resilience plan before EU General Court just a few months before elections in the country
Here’s a🧵 on why, how and what of this unprecedented development #ruleoflaw #RPP
RT @Leszczyna: Były członek #RPP dr Grabowski w @tvn24rozmowa powiedział,że emisja obligacji @nbppl to dobry sposób na walkę z inflacją
To zwiększenie oszczędności,zmniejszenie popytu i ochrona pieniędzy Polaków przed utratą siły nabywczej
Ustawa #KO leży w sejmie. Na co czeka @elzbietawitek?
Jeśli spali od 2018 roku, to teraz udają, ze te lata nadrabiają, a że kosztem ludzi? A kogo to?!
RT @GrzegorzFurgo: Dziewiąta podwyżka stóp procentowych.
Tym razem o 75 pkt. bazowych.
Decyzja #RPP oznacza kolejny wzrost i tak horrendalnie wysokich rat kredytowych.
A depozyty w bankach dalej śmiesznie małe…