@tomkindlon just adding more hashtags to your (great) thread because these are concerns which effect the entire spectrum of disabled/chronic/invisible illness communities
#MultipleSclerosis #RRMS #PPMS #SPMS #DemyelinatingDisease
#LymeDisease #Fibromyalgia #PsoriaticArthritis #RheumatoidArthritis #SleepDisorders #SleepApnea #Narcolepsy #Parasomnia #CircadianRhythmDisorders #non24 #ShiftWorkDisorder #IdiopathicHypersomnia
#multiplesclerosis #RRMS #ppms #SPMS #demyelinatingdisease #LymeDisease #fibromyalgia #psoriaticarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #sleepdisorders #sleepapnea #narcolepsy #parasomnia #circadianrhythmdisorders #non24 #shiftworkdisorder #idiopathichypersomnia
Always up for#MS talk. I have #RRMS & was DX’d in 2009. I had Lemtrada in ‘2018/19 & am doing pretty well (given the givens). I was a volunteer on a national MS telephone Helpline for several years, which taught me a *lot*
How about you guys?
Hello #PWMS, #Researchers #FediScience #Neuros
I’ve seen several hashtags using variations of #MultipleSclerosis, #MS, #RRMS, #SPMS, #LifeWithMS, #PPMS #MSRunner. Etc.
Can we use
👉🏼 #MultipleSclerosis 👈🏼 AND #MSChat
for #MS related stuff
AND STILL use a subtopic hashtag to introduce folks to the wide variety of topics and interests.
I hoping we get some #researchers, #scientists, and #neuros in the loop.
Thank for boosting.
#pwms #researchers #Fediscience #neuros #multiplesclerosis #ms #RRMS #SPMS #LifeWithMS #PPMS #MSRunner #MSChat #scientists
Hello #PWMS.
I’ve seen several hashtags using variations of #MultipleSclerosis, #MS, #RRMS, #SPMS, #LifeWithMS, #PPMS #MSRunner. Etc.
Can we use
👉🏼 #MultipleSclerosis 👈🏼 AND #MSChat
for #MS related stuff
AND STILL use a subtopic hashtag to introduce folks to the wide variety of topics and interests.
I hoping we get some #researchers, #scientists, and #neuros in the loop.
Thank for for your suggestions, past boosts of my posts and following me.
#pwms #multiplesclerosis #ms #RRMS #SPMS #LifeWithMS #PPMS #MSRunner #researchers #scientists #neuros #MSChat
Hello #PWMS
I’ve seen several hashtags using variations of #MultipleSclerosis, #MS, #RRMS, #SPMS, #LifeWithMS, #PPMS #MSRunner. Etc.
Can we try consolidating under #MSChat For all things #MultipleSclerosis related and still use a subtopic hashtag to introduce folks to the wide variety?
I hoping we get some of the post bird #researchers, #scientists, and #neuros in the loop.
Thank for for your past boosts of my posts and following me.
#pwms #multiplesclerosis #ms #RRMS #SPMS #LifeWithMS #PPMS #MSRunner #MSChat #researchers #scientists #neuros
I’ve seen several hashtags using variations of #MultipleSclerosis, #MS, #RRMS, #SPMS, #LifeWithMS, #MSRunner. Etc.
Can we try consolidating under #MSChat For all things #MultipleSclerosis related.
I hoping we get some of the post bird #researchers, #scientists, and #neuros in the loop.
Thank for for your past boosts of my posts and following me.
#multiplesclerosis #ms #RRMS #SPMS #LifeWithMS #MSRunner #MSChat #researchers #scientists #neuros