#Interoperability of #WordPress, #RSS and the #Fediverse is what we are interested in for a while now, and sharing this tutorial might help others too.
#interoperability #WordPress #RSS #fediverse
After RSS chief supports reservation, RJD asks him to appeal to Centre on caste census #RSS #RJD #Centre #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #Centre #RJD #RSS
I started using Sanatana Dharma to stop Sangh Parivar groups from twisting my words as an attack on Hindu beliefs: Thirumavalavan
While Sports Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin’s recent comments about “eradicating Sanatana Dharma” have snowballed into a political controversy, it was VCK founder Thol. Thirumavalavan who had enshrined Sanatana Dharma in the lexicon of Tamil Nadu’s political discourse over the past five years.
#TamilNadu #TholThirumavalavan #VCK #SanatanaDharma #brahminism #UdayanidhiStalin #DMK #hinduism #BRAmbedkar #EVRPeriyar #ambedkar #periyar #RSS #BJP #hindutva #CasteDiscrimination #caste #HinduScriptures #SanatanDharmaRow #india
#tamilnadu #tholthirumavalavan #VCK #sanatanadharma #brahminism #udayanidhistalin #DMK #Hinduism #BRAmbedkar #evrperiyar #ambedkar #periyar #RSS #BJP #hindutva #castediscrimination #caste #hinduscriptures #sanatandharmarow #india
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Vamos a hacer un #RSS en #PubMed
1. Se hace una consulta https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=melanome
2.Click a la opción crear RSS
3.Configuro el RSS
4.Dar click a crear RSS
5.Copiar el enlace de la URL del RSS https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/rss/search/1hCS5QvDf5qZRk0K8PGHrAEN8J7iuuCqN8zS13fXMTkkJ4Vk2L/?limit=100&utm_campaign=pubmed-2&fc=20230905103738
@lma @IrlandaAlvarado
@mario_fisio_resp @mineromerop @mocavale @alex_as6 @analiliagarduo @karlita_chacon_ @JoaRobOrti @akire_0707
@robinsonpneumo @deliagonzalezmarin @ivonnervz @nictela
Radhakrishnan’s Prescriptive Account of Monolithic Hinduism Misses the Plurality of Faith in India
His monolithic view of Hinduism may serve the agenda of the RSS and its pro-Hindutva adherents but falls far short of the standards of philosophical and historical scholarship.
#SarvepalliRadhakrishnan #TeachersDay #hinduism #RSS #hindutva #india
#sarvepalliradhakrishnan #teachersday #Hinduism #RSS #hindutva #india
G20 invite says ‘President of Bharat’ instead of ‘President of India’
The matter comes to light three days after RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat made an appeal to refer to the country as Bharat.
#g20 #PresidentOfIndia #RSS #MohanBhagwat #hindutva #constitution #BJP #india
#g20 #presidentofindia #RSS #MOHANBHAGWAT #hindutva #constitution #BJP #india
The BJP May End up Tying Itself in Knots By Attacking Udhayanidhi Stalin
The concept of sanatana dharma was given shape by the Hindu orthodoxy in the 19th century as a movement against reformist organisations like the Arya Samaj and Brahmo Samaj, which questioned regressive practices such as sati and child marriage.
#UdayanidhiStalin #hinduism #inequality #casteism #CasteDiscrimination #DMK #TamilNadu #hindutva #AmitMalviya #AmitShah #KAnnamalai #RSS #FreedomStruggle #BJP #brahminism #caste #india
#udayanidhistalin #Hinduism #inequality #casteism #castediscrimination #DMK #tamilnadu #hindutva #amitmalviya #amitshah #kannamalai #RSS #freedomstruggle #BJP #brahminism #caste #india
RSS ideologue Krishna Gopal claims curbs on women ‘had to be imposed’ because of Islamic invasions
According to Gopal, Ram and Krishna were married after reaching a certain age but due to Islamic invaders, child marriage started. He said before Islamic invasions, there was no tradition of ‘sati’ in India.
#delhi #DelhiUniversity #RSS #KrishnaGopal #ChildMarriage #sati #patriarchy #misogyny #sexism #hindutva #WomensRights #HumanRights #brahminism #india
#delhi #delhiuniversity #RSS #krishnagopal #childmarriage #sati #patriarchy #misogyny #sexism #hindutva #womensrights #humanrights #brahminism #india
Interview: ‘Vivekananda is the ideological nemesis of the Sangh Parivar’: Govind Krishnan V.
Govind Krishnan V.’s recently published Vivekananda: The Philosopher of Freedom is a conscious effort to challenge the Sangh Parivar’s depiction of the monk as an exemplar of right-wing values.
#interview #vivekananda #GovindKrishnanV #hinduism #islam #christianity #quran #caste #hindutva #RSS #FarRight #HinduNationalism #books #nonfiction #bookstodon #history #histodon #india
#interview #vivekananda #govindkrishnanv #Hinduism #islam #christianity #quran #caste #hindutva #RSS #farright #HinduNationalism #books #nonfiction #bookstodon #history #Histodon #india
The Decline Of Nehru, Tagore & The Rise Of Savarkar: How Delhi University Got Itself A New Syllabus
Since 2019, Hindu right-wing organizations—both student and teachers’ groups—have successfully propelled syllabi changes in Delhi University’s (DU) English, history and other social sciences and humanities subjects. Some teachers are battling against these changes, many pushed through by a secretive ‘oversight committee’ and new policies. Article14 examines the syllabi changes, the ideological influences driving them, and the processes by which they are being brought in at DU, all pointing to Hindu right-wing control over the leading university in India’s capital.
#DelhiUniversity #universities #education #HinduNationalism #propaganda #RSS #ABVP #NDTF #BJP #misinformation #censorship #AcademicFreedom #history #india
#delhiuniversity #universities #education #HinduNationalism #propaganda #RSS #abvp #NDTF #BJP #misinformation #censorship #academicfreedom #history #india
We've taken the xitter link off our website and mailchimp footer.
This Mastodon instance is linked.
Also our rss feed, which is https://steadystatemanchester.net/feed/
#MastodonMigration #RSS
@holgr @taylorlorenz @Inoreader is better in my opinion. Lots of amazing options for #rss out there
Universities – The BJP-RSS’s Killing Fields
What’s unfolding in Ashoka University reflects the ascendancy of a fascistic state. No country can be self-reliant if its universities are effectively destroyed and reduced to coaching centres.
#AshokaUniversity #universities #education #AcademicFreedom #RSS #BJP #HinduNationalism #hindutva #india
#AshokaUniversity #universities #education #academicfreedom #RSS #BJP #HinduNationalism #hindutva #india
Today, a very niche tip for RSS fans :rss:
As well as Mastodon's built-in hashtag following system, you can also follow hashtags through RSS instead:
1. Search for a hashtag on a Mastodon server's website
2. Add .rss to the end of the URL
3. Use this URL as the feed address for that tag
For example to subscribe to #Dogs on mstdn.social you would use this address in your feed reader:
#Dogs #MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips #RSS
@nicdex I just noticed your announcement about the #TechHub hub, so I subscribed to its #RSS feed for new posts 👍 For those interested, here’s the URL to add: https://hub.techhub.social/feed/