Hit me up with your RSS feed recommendations!
Any topic! Share your passion and help fill up my feed đ
Bit of a long shot but does anyone have any recommendations for #RSS readers with good information dense UIs?
Feeder was nearly perfect, except for the pricing structure being a bit silly, which ended up being a deal breaker.
I'm looking for two things and would love suggestions:
1) A #blogging platform that is lighter and less robust than #WordPress. Would like to be able to add pictures and videos to posts. #blog #blogger
2) An #RSS reader to replace #Feedly. Used Feedly since Google Feeds shut down but wanted to try something different with better organization #RSSfeed
Extra points for #opensource, cross-platform, and something that connects to the #Fediverse (though not absolute requirement).
#tech #Fediverse #opensource #RSSfeed #feedly #rss #blogger #blog #WordPress #blogging
This is amazing - generate RSS feeds for Mastodon (shows replies in context as well as boosts) via @tomstafford
#RSSfeed #RSS #RssFeedGenerator
Mastodon Feeds - Open RSS
#rssfeedgenerator #rss #RSSfeed
@burgerdrome We should really be using a #RSS hashtag here for discovery. Any once U get back to my PC Iâll start up a conversation on best #RSSfeed recommendations, unless someone beats me to it first.
This is the year of the RSS reader. (Really!) » Nieman Journalism Lab
Noch bin ich mit #Tadschu nicht hier. Auch weil ich den Wechsel zwischen Accounts noch nicht angegangen bin. Deshalb hier einfach so.
Ăber Tadschu.de findet ihr den #Podcast im #RSSFeed und den #Instagram Zugang. AuĂerdem einen Blog. Es ist die Geschichte meines GroĂvaters. Eines Heimatlosen AuslĂ€nders und ehemaligen #Zwangsarbeit.ers, die ich dort erzĂ€hle. Freue mich ĂŒber jede:n, der den Weg etwas mitkommt.
#tadschu #podcast #RSSfeed #instagram #Zwangsarbeit
As I'm slowly dissolving my Twitter account, I realize I should start using RSS to follow blogs. What are some recommended RSS readers?