Just imagining the episodes that the alternate universe would be ROFLing to, right now.

Damn you, alternate reality!

In all seriousness, does anyone know what and are doing these days, post ?

If they are putting out content on that thing, is there a way to funnel it into a ?

#KeiserReport #MaxKeiser #StacyHerbert #RTBan #OrangePillPodcast #peertube

Last updated 3 years ago

Some lofty types in the now want to block from .

Given that they are planning to Julian to the thirdWorld and to his ultimate death, this makes perfect sense, but memo says esteemed journalist, publisher and will extraDie in their own prison.

(RT is also not a CloudFlare, Google, , Amazon, nor Fakebook-controlled )

It has to go.

#uk #rt #TheInternet #extraDie #assange #politicalprisoner #Murdoch #newsservice #incapacitatedScreaming #RTBan #rThAStogO #pUtInhAStogO #USAThirdWorld #england

Last updated 3 years ago

Actual progressive leftists and are interviewed here by only a few days ago.


Video is 500MB. Audio 27MB, so we share the audio above.

(WE SHOULD WARN anyone who is a fan of MintPressNews that, last we checked, its served over .)

How much were you taught about WWII in your school history class?

#LeeCamp #chrishedges #mintpressnews #cloudflare #RTBan #takingTheInternetPrivate #censorship #altmedia #rt #propaganda #islamophobia

Last updated 3 years ago

We know the is devoid of ethics and often abuses and slave .


We can't share just how depraved it is. An interview with the Chief Investigator for the , and author of 'Slaughterhouse: The Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect, and Inhumane Treatment Inside the US Meat Industry' is because its on .

Searx results also seem to be .

#meatindustry #migrants #prisonLabour #HumaneFarmingAssociation #GailEisnitz #banned #rt #censored #cattleFarming #slaughterhouse #RTBan

Last updated 3 years ago

The really does tell us everything we need to know about how forcedNews operates.

How many -produced 'documentaries' are going to be forceFed to us.

Russia Today had on some very prolific authors and thinkers like , and MiddleEastern commentators of often a *real* progressive persuasion, a *UBI proponents like of the institute, lawyers fighting and of and more.

Dark days.

#RTBan #cia #rt #johnpilger #latinamerican #guyStanding #BIEN #environmental #environmentalVandals #poisoning #workingclass

Last updated 3 years ago

The saddest part is we saw this coming. From what we could see was receiving some benefits from , and a few other networks.

The delightful and insightful presenters, and , Max Keiser and were spruikers of Twitter (later Telegram) and its clear now that it was a fatal mistake on 's part.

At this time of greatest need the have all .

#rtnews #telegram #zoom #masssurveillance #heterodox #philosophers #economists #StacyHerbert #rt #dotcons #closedRanks #RTBan #RTCensorship #MaxKeiser

Last updated 3 years ago

We all wanted the to die.

We all wanted to block and Akamai at the nation-state level.

Congrats to for achieving the impossible and starting the .

#legacyInternet #cageFam #russia #newInternetSpaceRace #sputnikMoment2p0 #deletegoogle #RTBan #onionMaximalist #usei2p #usetor

Last updated 3 years ago

In case we were wondering which network reports accurately on , which hosts among the greatest published and of our time including and other great authors whose work may be considered too controversial or nuanced for and .

A network that had on to talk about and security, that reports accurately on decentralised currencies,


…but Russia evil.

#politicalprisoner #julianassange #journalists #philosophers #chrishedges #corporatemedia #legacymedia #richardstallman #privacy #rt #RTBan

Last updated 3 years ago

EU to ban and .

"European Commission President announced on Sunday that the will ban Russian media outlets above accusing them of spreading "".

"In what she called an "" step, (she) announced that "we will ban in the the Kremlin's media machine."

"We are toxic and harmful disinformation in Europe."


#rt #sputniknews #UrsulavonderLeyen #eu #harmfulDisinfomation #unprecidented #europeanunion #developingToolsToBan #RTBan #bitcoinWar #disinfo

Last updated 3 years ago