despite this, 1600 words on #ryoms today.
You can sponsor my (portable) suffering at
Today in "The World Is Not Bash" rage: submission auth strings.
$ echo -ne "\0username\0password" | base64
Debian, bash, it works:
$ echo -ne '\\0testPW!?' | base64
FreeBSD, sh, nope.
$ echo -n '\\0testPW!?' | base64
(yes, the missing -e on the command line is a problem, but even so, the beginning of the string should be the same in base64, right?)
I need something that works on any Unix, in any shell. It seems there should be a portable way to do this with printf, but it (cough) escapes me.
I suspect @ed1conf knows the proper way to solve this, however. #sysadmin #ryoms
1600 words on #ryoms today.
Going through setting up SASL and submission with Dovecot and Postfix, as well as explaining the format of
For the last hour I've been having weird problems with smtpd_sender_restrictions=reject_sender_login_mismatch, but in the grand #sysadmin tradition I'll return Monday and the answer will be right there.
I'm almost at the point where I can jump from "configure the server" to "configure DNS." :flan_yikes:
Sponsorships for this silly thing are still open, btw.
1500 words on #ryoms today, on netcat IMAP and why we have the submission service.
If you want to encourage my suffering, do feel free to sponsor it.
"If you’re uncertain that you configured mutt correctly, you can completely abandon email clients and test connections with netcat or openssl(1)." - #ryoms
Leading people one step closer to perdition...
Lurking on the Postfix mailing list, as part of writing #ryoms.
I am impressed by how Venema moderates discussions. What is the problem? Who does the problem affect? What is the proper behavior in this case? How do we implement that behavior in code in a backwards-compatible manner?
Anyone who wants to lead an open source community should take notes.
"Dovecot provides the Internet Message Access Protocol, or IMAP, for clients to access their email. It also supports POP3, but that’s decades obsolete and if anyone demands it tell them it’s time to free their PalmPilot." #ryoms
Want a small book on running your own email? Sponsor this travesty at
"Dovecot supports other user databases by the time-honored method of “run this query and format the results like /etc/passwd.” " #ryoms
Working on #ryoms, so I'm reading NIST 800-132. Like you do.
The NIST has declared that they're going to revise it soon, so I know where the obsolescence will come from. :flan_piteous:
Only 400 words on #ryoms today, but settled on using Postfix/SASL for submission rather than Dovecot.
Also, 1000 words on the #prohibitionOrcs baseball story. Desperately hoping this doesn't turn into a novella...
Working on IMAP for "Run Your Own Mail Server," and digging into Dovecot password schemes.
It supports LANMAN. :flan_piteous: #sysadmin
Do you experience schadenfreude as I go through writing this book? The least you can do is sponsor my #ryoms suffering.
700 words on #ryoms today. Have identified the options that Dovecot actually requires to deliver email. A password file entry of
suffices, but one of
does not.
Also, LMTP and testing and doveadm log find and such.
More and more, #ryoms is looking like it's "how MWL deploys and learns new and unfamiliar services, using email as an example." Didn't plan that, but here I am.
Today's #60SecondsOfWip is out! A snip from #ryoms, involving digestive malfunction.
Launched #ApocalypseMoi today and handled related paperwork and announcements while struggling with post-insomnia drag, but still got 400 words on configuring Dovecot for #ryoms. I'll take it.
"Some users still like POP3, but we knew it needed replacing in the 1990s and development on POP4 stopped in 2004 when the superior IMAP took over so don’t permit anyone to persuade you to deploy it no matter how many e’s they stick in neeeed."#ryoms
This book is only possible because of my fine sponsors. You could be one of them.
"If a spammer can access Unix sockets in restricted directories, spam is the least of your worries." #ryoms