Overcrowding in prisons is a ‘powder keg waiting to blow’ | The Independent
#HMPNorwich https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/prison-overcrowding-figures-disorder-sentences-b2342257.html
#Overcrowding #prisons #PrisonCrisis #moj #PoliceCells #HMChiefInspectorOfPrisons #PrisonOfficersAssociation #POA #PrisonersFrustrstion #violence #PoliceRecruitmentDrive #tories #LengthOfSentences #Sentenced #ViolentCriminals #SexualOffenders #Raab #parole #reed #HowardLeaguePenalReform #PrisonReformTrust #RapidDeploymentCells #HMPNorwich
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#zib2 #Raab #oevpgameover #einfaltquote
#zib2 #Raab #OEVPGameOver #einfaltquote
No evidence ‘activist’ civil servants tried to thwart Raab, former leading mandarin says | The Independent
Dominic Raab faces push to remove him as MP in Surrey | The Independent
Raab bullied staff at work. He thinks the investigation counted as bullying things that were ok or necessary.
#Raab is unfit to be a minister (ever) but he's also not fit to employ parliamentary staff.
He should resign as an MP, not just from ministerial roles.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinerowett/status/1649345382600568833
#Raab "persistently aggressive" - something he characterises as a “low bar” for defining bullying & instead refers to his own “energy” “challenge” & “drive”.
He then directly attacks the integrity & impartiality of civil servants. He should never have been anywhere near Cabinet
RT @PippaCrerar: Dominic Raab tells @ChrisMasonBBC that “activist civil servants” wanted to block the work of government with “passive-aggressive” tactics.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1649464658988769282
#Raab's utterly destructive Bill of Rights must follow him out the door, a Bill which would drive a forklift truck through fundamental human rights - making a mockery of democratic process, turning rights into privileges, making it harder to challenge power abuses. It must go too
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1649459104543375369
So Sunak replaces #Raab by appointing yet another man to his already highly gender-imbalanced cabinet - even when three women had been in the frame for the role. Yet more jobs for the boys...
RT @10DowningStreet: Alex Chalk KC MP @AlexChalkChelt has been appointed Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice @MoJGovUK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1649411802109820931
#Raab had to go - but investigation wasn't needed. PM bought time to avoid consequences of unethical cabinet appointments. He'd have known of Raab's bullying, Braverman's breaking of Ministerial Code & Qs re Zahawi's tax affairs from day 1. Still appointed them all. He's culpable
RT @DominicRaab: My resignation statement.👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1649336285046161410
Rees-Mogg: Sue Grey & another senior civil servant left the service and joined the Labour. None have ever done that for the Tories and that is the problem.
(Channel 4 in an interview about Raab resigning due to bullying report after claiming we have an activist civil service.)
Apparently because none have left for the Tories means we have an activist civil service.
#ReesMogg #civilservants #Raab #tories #labour
never requires one person to bully another.
If you can't manage people to do their best work and be their best selves by being a decent, likeable human then you are in the wrong place. Doesn't matter how 'important' your job is.
Some would say you were out of your depth.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineVoaden/status/1649534754838937602
Raab acted in an ‘intimidating’ fashion with ‘persistently aggressive conduct’, report finds | The Independent
RT @Anna_Soubry: I served as a Minister in 3 Govt Depts. I never came across “activist civil servants” w “passive - aggressive tactics” wanting to block Govt policy. Everyone I worked with was a hard working, public servant.
#Raab is demonstrating why he was never fit for public office.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinemep/status/1649484104809828370
I for one am shocked that my MP, who does not believe in human rights, has had to resign due to him bullying.
#Raab defence: “He did not conclude it was intentional – which is the legal requirement under the definition of bullying.”
So his defence is: Manslaughter?
What a useless Tool.
#Raab Resignation letter sounded like a petition to create a new DisHonours List for those outgoing arseflap, swivel-eyed, democracy wrecking, self important, gits that feel a sense of special entitlement.
Perhaps they could create a separate House for them in the Commons - somewhere in the basement - where the public could gasp and shiver at these fetid, malevolent sad-sacks.
Call it :The London Dudgeon*
* Sorry 🫣