Elogio dell’eccesso/2: la guerra in testa https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/06/15/la-guerra-in-testa/ #LouisFerdinandAugusteDestouches #Viaggioalterminedellanotte #Louis-FerdinandCéline #Voyageauboutdelanuit #FrançoisGibault #lavorosalariato #LucetteAlmansor #affaireDreyfus #Beatgeneration #FrancoisVillon #Morteacredito #petitemusique #RobertDenoël #Recensioni #Casse-pipe #LevTrotsky #famiglia #O.Fatica #Rabelais #Adelphi #Francia #guerra
#LouisFerdinandAugusteDestouches #viaggioalterminedellanotte #louis #Voyageauboutdelanuit #FrançoisGibault #lavorosalariato #LucetteAlmansor #affairedreyfus #beatgeneration #francoisvillon #Morteacredito #petitemusique #RobertDenoël #recensioni #casse #LevTrotsky #famiglia #o #Rabelais #adelphi #francia #guerra
'But don't you think Rabelais is a little old for him?' asked Mother doubtfully.
'Good, clean fun,' said Larry airily; 'it's important that he gets sex in its right perspective now.'" [2/2]
Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals, 1956.
#amreading #geralddurrell #lawrencedurrell #Rabelais
Quel brutto pasticcio della guerra (e della prigionia) https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/02/01/quel-brutto-pasticcio-della-guerra-e-della-prigionia/ #QuerpasticciacciobruttodiviaMerulana #primaguerramondiale #PierPaoloPasolini #CarloEmilioGadda #AntonioGibelli #ItaloCalvino #PaolaTonussi #avanguardie #neorealismo #PaolaItalia #PaulFussell #Recensioni #EricJ.Leed #Rabelais
#QuerpasticciacciobruttodiviaMerulana #primaguerramondiale #pierpaolopasolini #CarloEmilioGadda #AntonioGibelli #italocalvino #PaolaTonussi #avanguardie #neorealismo #PaolaItalia #PaulFussell #recensioni #EricJ #Rabelais
Got a (30-page!) letter from my friend Jazz Keith today. It was Rabelaisian. Meandering. Nothing happening yet full of incident. Suffused with metatext. Started with a quote by Baudelaire. By the end I was howling. We’re very lucky to have him (although I’ll be glad if I never sit next to him on a train). What a joy to get a letter. #letters #Baudelaire #Rabelais #Jazz
#letters #baudelaire #Rabelais #jazz
Having published nothing for eleven years, François #Rabelais publishes the Tiers Livre, his sequel to Gargantua and Pantagruel, OTD in 1546 https://toilet-guru.com/blog/46.html?s=mb #France #history
Today in Labor History January 17, 1536: Francois Rabelais was absolved of apostasy by Pope Paul III and allowed to resume his medical practice. Rabelais was a physician, writer, Catholic monk and Greek scholar. He published “Pantagruel” in 1532. He later incorporated it into his larger work, “Gargantua and Pantagruel,” which satirized the nobility, the church, the legal system, explorers, machismo and pretty much all that was sacred to the French ruling elite. Consequently, he was persecuted much of his life. His last will stated: “I have nothing. I owe a great deal. The rest I leave to the poor.”
One of my favorite passages: The FURREED Law-Cats are most terrible and dreadful monsters; they devour little children, and trample over marble stones. Pray tell me, noble topers, do they not deserve to have their snouts slit? The hair of their hides doesn’t grow outward, but inwards… They have claws so very strong, long, and sharp that nothing can get from ‘em what is once fast between their clutches... Among ‘em reigns the sixth essence; by the means of which they gripe all, devour all, burn all, draw all, hang all, quarter all, behead all, murder all, imprison all, waste all and ruin all, without the least notice of right and wrong; for among them vice is called virtue; wickedness, piety; treason, loyalty; robbery, justice. Plunder is their motto, and all this they do because they dare; their authority is sovereign and irrefragable.
#Rabelais #gargantua #liable #treason #prison #satire #fiction #Literature #writer @bookstadon
#Rabelais #gargantua #liable #treason #prison #satire #fiction #Literature #writer
RT @franckledorze@twitter.com
Allez, un peu de Rabelais le lundi matin… #bouteille #vin #Rabelais
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/franckledorze/status/1581942508925308928
Top result of today's auction in Paris: not #Cervantes or #Rabelais, but #Descartes - a 3-page letter to Constantijn Huygens fetched 560,000 euros (i.e. 705,600 euros with fees), almost ten times its estimate. Philosophy and science easily beat literature in the saleroom these days.
#Cervantes #Rabelais #descartes #manuscripts #letters #Correspondences #earlymodern
klassische Alternativen zum Klopapier:
#Gnihi #Rabelais #pantagruel #Gargantua
Quand #Rabelais soignait les #Lyonnais !
The ‘Suicide’ of the Liberal Arts
“The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do About It”
"I really would just prefer that people sit down and read Shakespeare.”
#poem #poems #poetry #Writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Wordsworth #Rabelais #Sophocles #philosophy
#poem #poems #poetry #writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #wordsworth #Rabelais #sophocles #philosophy
The ‘Suicide’ of the Liberal Arts
“The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do About It”
"I really would just prefer that people sit down and read Shakespeare.”
#poem #poems #poetry #Writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Singer #Wordsworth #Rabelais #Sophocles
#poem #poems #poetry #writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #singer #wordsworth #Rabelais #sophocles
Dall-e made this from the prompt: “A William Blake watercolour of Rabelais eating apples while balancing on a goose.”
It's nothing like a William Blake watercolour. It doesn't look like Rabelais (maybe Pantagruel/Gargantua?) This person is not eating an apple and they are balancing (maybe), but not on a goose.
#gargantua #pantagruel #Rabelais #williamblake
#Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Saigyo #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Singer #Wordsworth #Herbert #Rabelais #Sophocles #Plato etc...
#Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #saigyo #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #singer #wordsworth #herbert #Rabelais #sophocles #plato
🔶 Comment entrer dans la langue et la poétique de #Rabelais ? Quels liens établir entre son œuvre et le parcours « Rire et savoir » qui lui est associé en 1ère ? Un documentaire pour mieux comprendre cet auteur sur Lumni Enseignement
👉 https://enseignants.lumni.fr/parcours/1112/analyse-rabelais-rire-et-savoir.html
Having just carried all my books to a loft apartment I am playing with atelier living.
Law by day, literature by night. Northern England.
Am writing a philosophy book about Wise Fools: #Socrates #Diogenes, Jesus, #SaintSymeon, #Shakespeare #Cervantes, #Rabelais, #Swift, #Nietzsche, #Dostoevsky, #EdwardLear, #OscarWilde, #KarlKraus, #Wittgenstein #LeonoraCarrington, #StevieSmith, #Borat
#introduction #socrates #Diogenes #SaintSymeon #shakespeare #Cervantes #Rabelais #Swift #nietzsche #dostoevsky #EdwardLear #oscarwilde #KarlKraus #wittgenstein #LeonoraCarrington #StevieSmith #Borat