Rabobank estima safra de café do Brasil em 66 milhões de sacas
#Rabobank #ProduçãoDeCafé #CaféBrasileiro #AumentoDaProdução #ForbesAgro
#Rabobank #producaodecafe #cafebrasileiro #aumentodaproducao #forbesagro
Conheça Fabiana Alves, primeira CEO de um banco agro no país
#Rabobank #Mulheres #Liderança #Cooperativa #Banco #Manchete #ForbesMulher #ForbesAgro
#Rabobank #mulheres #lideranca #cooperativa #banco #manchete #forbesmulher #forbesagro
Fabiana Alves é nova líder para Brasil e América do Sul no Rabobank
#Rabobank #MulheresDoAgro #FabianaAlves #ForbesMulher #ForbesAgro #Carreira
#Rabobank #mulheresdoagro #fabianaalves #forbesmulher #forbesagro #carreira
Rabo Foundation e Raiar vão plantar grãos orgânicos; veja destaques do AgroRound
#Rabobank #cvm #Bayer #agrotools #forbesagro
Quantum Computing Inc. to Help Rabobank Fight Fraud with Entropy Quantum Computing https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=1648064 #Quantum_Computing_Business #Slider #dirac_1 #EQC #Qatalyst #QCI #Quantum_Computing_Inc #Rabobank #quantumdaily Insider Brief Quantum Computing Inc. announced that it will work together with Rabobank, one of the world’s largest banks in its sectors. The companies will use QCI’s photonic quantum information technologies, including the Dirac 1 entropy quantum computing (EQC)
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Slider #dirac_1 #EQC #Qatalyst #QCI #Quantum_Computing_Inc #Rabobank #quantumdaily
#Rabobank: The problem is no #centralbank can bail out the physical #economy from #shortages https://newstarget.com/2021-10-19-no-central-bank-can-bail-out-physical-economy.html
#Shortages #economy #centralbank #Rabobank
The bank that had to be nationalized during the 2008 financial crises because they weren't capable of properly managing their own finances, #ABNAMRO, will start charging exorbitant fees if you want to withdraw more then €12000 per year from your own bank account.
#Rabobank will follow suit.
#Nibud is rightfully worried as cash (money) is the best way to manage ones expenses.
It's also great for #privacy.
Why The Fuck did we rescue those banks anyway? 😡
#ABNAMRO #Rabobank #waroncash #Nibud #privacy
The bank that had to be nationalized during the 2008 financial crises because they weren't capable of properly managing their own finances, #ABNAMRO, will start charging exorbitant fees if you want to withdraw more then €12000 per year from your own bank account.
#Rabobank will follow suit.
#Nibud is rightfully worried as cash (money) is the best way to manage ones expenses.
It's also great for #privacy.
Why The Fuck did we rescue those banks anyway? 😡
#ABNAMRO #Rabobank #waroncash #Nibud #privacy