RT @Todd_LumpOfShit@twitter.com
An amazing lesson in telling a good creepy #horror story. #RachelRising by @TerryMooreArt@twitter.com From page 1 straight through to the final.. just the creeps man and you don't ever see it coming. The story I mean. Was this written by a really warped mind or genius? #abstractstudio #comic
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Todd_LumpOfShit/status/1542218679395487744
#Comic #abstractstudio #RachelRising #horror
Stack Clean: Rachel Rising #17
I'm continuing to go through the stack of comics I want to clear out and came to Rachel Rising #17. I loved Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise, but am behind on the comics he has made since that series ended. I started both Echo and Rachel Rising and enjoyed them, but fell off years ago. Rachel Rising is a solid horror comic and ev
#TerryMoore #StrangersinParadise #RachelRising #comics