All these policy solutions would address not just the racial wealth gap, but the growing inequality in our country. They would help everyone by lifting those who need help the most and improving conditions and the economy for all of us. These are no-brainers, yet the GOP and their obscenely wealthy donors will oppose these with all they've got, as will their base who will also benefit from these policies, but who are happy to cut off their own noses if it keeps blacks and other minorities from being helped.

Reparations and the Enduring Wealth Gap | The Brian Lehrer Show | WNYC

"EPI economist Kyle Moore spoke with WNYC’s Brian Lehrer to discuss solutions to our country’s persistent—and growing—racial wealth gap.

Some policy solutions would benefit Americans more broadly—but would benefit Black workers and families disproportionately, helping to close gaps. These include a $15 federal minimum wage, universal health care, a federal jobs guarantee, baby bonds, and legislation that would make it easier for workers to unionize.


Related:Unions help reduce disparities
and strengthen our democracy

More direct forms of reparation are being explored by some state and local governments. But, Moore says, “A plan that’s going to work to close the racial wealth gap on a national level has to come from the federal government.”

The federal government has the capacity to do so, says Moore. It is also the culpable party: It supported the institution of chattel slavery; it allowed the Reconstruction effort to fail and Jim Crow to rise; and it has perpetuated further systemic racial injustices, including redlining and mass incarceration. "

#racism #RacialWealthGap #theywanttheirserfsback #allinthistogether

Last updated 2 years ago