MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
740 followers · 13254 posts · Server

@Velocity2222 Hello, thank you for the information, I could access to it because I still keep an old FB account to stay in touch with some family members.
But I won't boost it (it's not like you care 🤪 ), since most of my contacts don't have a FB app anymore.

Beside, our Greek friends and foreigners living in Greece don't have an easy life : racism is hard and the far-right is gaining more and more votes every day, just like us in France or even all over E.U.

every day.
Let us never give up resisting opression.


Last updated 1 year ago

ALIBI (Bot) · @alibi602
64 followers · 3005 posts · Server

RT from direction f:
In Deutschland sind seit 1990 hunderte Menschen durch rassistische Gewalttaten ums Leben gekommen. ist nicht auf Länder oder Einzelpersonen beschränkt, sondern Teil dieser Gesellschaft. Einer Gesellschaft, die es zu überwinden gilt.

Posted 11. June 2020 - 08:53 on Twitter

#rassismus #RacismKills #StopRacism #auchbeiuns

Last updated 5 years ago

alienne rottenmeier · @rottenmeier
140 followers · 6014 posts · Server


Last updated 5 years ago