@Velocity2222 Hello, thank you for the information, I could access to it because I still keep an old FB account to stay in touch with some family members.
But I won't boost it (it's not like you care 🤪 ), since most of my contacts don't have a FB app anymore.
Beside, our Greek friends and foreigners living in Greece don't have an easy life : racism is hard and the far-right is gaining more and more votes every day, just like us in France or even all over E.U.
#RacismKills every day.
Let us never give up resisting opression.
Re 2/2 Racist attacks against people on the move have been escalating in Tunisia since the beginning of the year. #Solidarity with all people on the move. #RacismKills. #BordersKill. #FreedomOfMovementForAll. #HumanRightsForAll.https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/7/7/hrw-urges-tunisia-to-suspend-expulsion-of-african-migrants?sf179916549=1
#solidarity #RacismKills #borderskill #FreedomOfMovementForAll #humanrightsforall
RT from direction f:
In Deutschland sind seit 1990 hunderte Menschen durch rassistische Gewalttaten ums Leben gekommen. #Rassismus ist nicht auf Länder oder Einzelpersonen beschränkt, sondern Teil dieser Gesellschaft. Einer Gesellschaft, die es zu überwinden gilt.#racismkills #stopracism #auchbeiuns https://t.co/dUm5YBNzx7
Posted 11. June 2020 - 08:53 on Twitter
Origin: https://twitter.com/alibi602/status/1270628760010792961
#rassismus #RacismKills #StopRacism #auchbeiuns