updated #introduction
Hi, I'm SHI▽I△N or ☉R△CLE [xe/they]
#nonbinary, #polyamorous, #RadicalFaerie (#faerie name: ☉R△CLE), #photographer (#FujiFilm #XPro3), gamer (#NintendoSwitch & #SteamDeck), #UX Manager
I live with my husband, a metamour, and two #BlackCats
also me: @Q
for my #astrology #witches:
☉♏6 × ☾♍5 × ⬆️♊ × ☿♏6 × ♀♑8 × ♂♍5 × ♃♎6 × ♄♎5
#queer #polyamory #tattooed #photo #photography #RadFae #witch #vegan #userexperience #gaymer #BlackCat
#blackcat #gaymer #userexperience #Vegan #witch #RadFae #photography #photo #tattooed #polyamory #queer #witches #astrology #blackcats #ux #SteamDeck #nintendoswitch #xpro3 #fujifilm #photographer #faerie #RadicalFaerie #polyamorous #nonbinary #introduction
STEP ONE: buy radfae.social to host a #radicalfaerie mastodon instance
STEP TWO: figure out what step two is
Let's give a fresh #introduction, since I haven't been here in a minute
Hi, I'm SHI▽I△N [xe/they]
#nonbinary, #queer, #polyamorous, #tattooed, #photographer (#FujiFilm #XPro3), #gaymer (Switch & #Stadia), Radical Faerie (#Faerie name: ☉R△CLE), #vegan, #UX Manager.
I also run @Q
My full #astrological chart:
☉♏ × ☾♍ × ⬆️♊ × ☿♏ × ♀♑ × ♂♍ × ♃♎ × ♄♎
#introductions #polyamory #tattooed #photo #photography #fuji #Nintendo #RadFae #RadicalFaerie #veganism #userexperience #astro #astrology
#astrology #astro #userexperience #veganism #RadicalFaerie #RadFae #nintendo #fuji #photography #photo #polyamory #introductions #astrological #ux #Vegan #faerie #stadia #gaymer #xpro3 #fujifilm #photographer #tattooed #polyamorous #queer #nonbinary #introduction