Undoing the mistakes of the previous fix. Turns out a 13G spoke does not tighten into a 12G nipple. Every day a school day. Still, at least I was able to sort it out without removing the wheel!
#BikeTooter #velophant #RadRunner
#BikeTooter #velophant #RadRunner
Sunday spannering on a Monday to replace a broken spoke on the #ebike. Managed to round off an Allen bolt by step 2, which turned a 20 minute job into an hour's work. All done now, and the test ride is complete.
I need a lie down after all that!
Took the old green #RadRunner to the shops earlier (my daughter usually rides it) and it was creaking like an old gate. Bracing myself for a full crank dissassembly, I started watching videos to see what it might be.
(hint: it wasn't the crank!)
Monday morning, sun is shining, let's have a #30SecondCommute !
#30secondcommute #ebike #RadRunner #galway #mastodaoine
Woke up at 3:30! this morning to heavy rain. I'd left the #RadRunner outside the new apartment, so I threw on the dressing gown and brought it indoors, parking it on the stairs (I'm the only one who has access to the stairs)
I was worried the electronics got wet, but it started no problem, so I had my first new #BikeCommute this morning! #ebike #velophant #BikeTooter
#RadRunner #bikecommute #ebike #velophant #BikeTooter
Sun's out, and it's a great day for another #30SecondCommute #ebike #RadRunner #Galway #mastodaoine
#30secondcommute #ebike #RadRunner #galway #mastodaoine
Choose your fighter. #RadRunner in #Berlin
#RadRunner #berlin #ebike #BikeTooter
Pannier bag and cargo net deployed for the lunch run! #RadRunner #ebike #BikeTooter #mastodaoine #cyclingIreland
#RadRunner #ebike #BikeTooter #mastodaoine #cyclingireland
More #SundaySpannering this afternoon. Recently, I've been getting numb in my fingers on rides, sometimes in just a few kilometres. So I've swapped the stock BMX style bars back on, and we'll see how it goes. I've also raised the saddle to a more sensible height.
And I rescued this really nice canvas courier bag from the back of the shed and cleaned off the dust and mildew. I'll waterproof it and treat the leather before it goes back on the bike.
#sundayspannering #RadRunner #ebike #cyclingireland #BikeTooter
This morning's #30SecondCommute looked like I'd used a filter, but the light was Just. That. Good.
#30secondcommute #RadRunner #biketoot #ebike #galway
TIL my #Sixel takes a better #30SecondCommute video than my #Akaso. I also need to adjust or tighten the bands on my #QuadLock handlebar mount. It's not designed to handle a phone hanging vertically off the side.
#ebike #RadRunner #BikeTooter #CyclingIreland
#sixel #30secondcommute #akaso #QuadLock #ebike #RadRunner #BikeTooter #cyclingireland
@kd it's a #RadPowerBikes #RadRunner, I've upgraded the tyres to Vee Speedsters with whitewalls.
Phenomenal blue skies this morning after a week of rain on the #Greenway to #Achill
#RadRunner showing plenty of range, we'll do a loop of the cliffs next.
#Greenway #achill #RadRunner #mayo #mastodaoine #ebike
My genius knows no bounds. Managed to pack both #RadRunner #ebikes into the car. Some disassembly was required, including pedals, front wheels and mudguards, and I opened up the handlebars for extra wiggle room. Arrived in a damp #Westport now for a late lunch!
#RadRunner #ebikes #westport #WildAtlanticWay #WhatTheFliuch #mayo
Engineering fail on the #RadRunner this afternoon. I was hoping to fit the stock lights inside a bigger bike light. Unfortunately I got a little trigger happy removing material from the reflector and it fell out on its first shakedown! Back to the drawing board ...
#ebike #BikeTooter
Saturdays are for maintenance. I spent an hour cleaning and checking brakes (most of which was replacing a rear brake pad, which had completely worn down over the last 500km)
Gave The Sproglette's a cleanup as well, noting some small road rash on the frame after a recent failure to navigate a pothole.
@Steveb Bold of you to assume I've a scales! :pratchett:
My #RadRunner has so much extra bolted on, I reckon it's knocking on the door of 40kg.
Dual crown front shocks, camera, a few lights, storage console, 35a controller, passenger pad and footpegs, and an Abus lock that's at least a kilo on its own.
It wasn't until I took all the bits off the green one that I realised the difference in weight. It's positively lithe in comparison!
That's the best my bike display has looked all week. It's gas the difference a few hours in the Sun makes to drying stuff out. Most days it just goes white when I switch it on. I've a replacement lined up which is less fancy, but has the same features, I'll be waterproofing it just in case. I got through two Irish winters with this one so I'm taking it as a win.
#ebike #RadRunner #biketoot #baidhctut
Today was the first day in the year I felt safe enough to leave my rain gear at home. Silly me. I'll be soooaked on the cycle home!
Next jobs on the to-do list are to install the stock #RadPowerBikes lights into the motorbike headlight cases I've been sitting on for ages. (not literally, that would be very uncomfortable...)
I also need to figure out how to fit my old mudguards to the new forks.
Did I mention I got new forks?
They're ace!
#radpowerbikes #RadRunner #ebike #BikeTooter #baidhctut