#Storm #Poly has developed multiple rain bands. Unlike tropical cyclones, however, the strongest gusts tend to occur in the outer bands. The storm center now reaches East Frisia.
#Weather #wxmastodon #Radar #poly #storm
Hier ist das aktuelle #Radar-Bild vom #Sturmtief #Poly! Für Details in die Länder/Kreise. /CG https://kachelmannwetter.com/de/regenradar/deutschland/20230705-0605z.html#play
A right-moving #supercell is chewed up by a squall line in southern #Germany, yesterday. The cell first benefited from orographically induced shear in the area of the Ostalb, then later from favorable conditions in the near storm environment of the approaching line.
A good example that supercells can develop specifically in structured terrain even in apparently rather undynamic initial situations.
#Radar #storms #meteorology #wxmastodon #Weather #germany #supercell
Yesterday (March 26, 16:25 CET) a suspected #Tornado occurred in Hesse, near Giessen (Fernwald/#Annerod) in #Germany.
Meteorologically, it was a high-SHEAR-low-CAPE situation with plenty of shear in the lower 3 km and marginal lability. Orographic modification of the wind field created a small-scale environment favorable for low-topped #Supercells. The #RADAR-derived hodograph shows veering winds in the lower 3 km, almost pure streamwise vorticity, and corresponding SRH.
#Weather #meteorology #Radar #supercells #germany #tornado
https://www.radiodarmstadt.de/fileadmin/user_upload/mediapool/Mediathek-plus7/2023-01-02_SoFA.mp3 Alexander Pollack begrüßt bei „Selbsthilfe auf dem #RadaR“ Gäste des CBF, Club Behinderter & ihrer Freunde Darmstadt, der sich seit 52 Jahren um Belange & Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen kümmert. Wege zur Inklusion & Aufgaben & Ziele #CBF
@Radlerin @fedibikes_berlin @fedibikes_de
Was soll ich noch montieren?
▪️ #YI oder #GoPro #Dashcam vorne
▪️ @loudbicycle vorne
▪️ #Airzound mittig
▪️ @OpenBikeSensor #OBS
▪️ #Garmin #Varia™ #RCT716
#Radar mit #Kamera und #Rücklicht
▪️ Apple #AirTags
▪️ #ABUS *) #Alarmbox
▪️ #FEDOG #F119 bzw. die neue #F219 (Doppelhorn)
Fehlt noch 'was?
*) Vorbehalt
#dashcam #airzound #obs #garmin #varia #Radar #kamera #rucklicht #AirTags #ABUS #alarmbox #Fedog #f119 #f219 #yi #gopro #rct716
Potential #tornado in #Saarland, #Germany (near #Urexweiler/Marpingen). From a (#radar-)meteorological point of view quite plausible: cell in low-CAPE-high-SHEAR environment, strong LL rotation (here storm-relative) => low-topped supercell.
#Radar #Urexweiler #germany #saarland #tornado
Wu Yuehui - China's Mars rover reveals structure of Martian subsurface
#Tianwen1 #ZhurongRover #Zhurong #CAS #CNSA #RADAR #GroundPenetratingRadar #UtopiaPlanitia #StarfleetYards #Mars #RedPlanet #WaterOnMars #PlanetaryScience #Geology #Astronomy
#astronomy #geology #PlanetaryScience #WaterOnMars #RedPlanet #mars #StarfleetYards #UtopiaPlanitia #groundpenetratingradar #Radar #CNSA #CAS #Zhurong #ZhurongRover #tianwen1
Conspiracy or fact?
"HAARP’s magnetometer can be used to predict as well as give evidence of a HAARP created earthquake. A magnetometer measures disturbances in the magnetic field in Earth’s upper atmosphere. HAARP was broadcasting a 2.5 Hz frequency (the signature frequency of an earthquake) from just before midnight on March 8, 2011 and continued to broadcast the frequency for the entire days of March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011. The 2.5 Hz frequency continued to be broadcasted and recorded by the magnetometer for another 10 hours the day of the Japan 9.0 magnitude earthquake."
#haarp #weather #modification #earthquake #radar #storm #tornado #hurricane #sunny #cloudy #temperature #chilly #seasons
#seasons #chilly #temperature #cloudy #sunny #hurricane #tornado #storm #Radar #earthquake #modification #weather #haarp
Hier ein Blick auf das aktuelle #Radar mit dem #Regen im Westen! Für Details in die Länder/Kreise. https://kachelmannwetter.com/de/regenradar/deutschland/20220608-1240z.html#play /CG
Brian Koberlein - There are Deposits of Ice at Mercury's Poles too:
#Arecibo #RADAR #PlanetaryRadar #Mercury #Ice #PolarIce #GreenBank #GBT #RadioTelescope #RadioAstronomy #PlanetaryScience #Astronomy
#astronomy #PlanetaryScience #RadioAstronomy #radiotelescope #GBT #GreenBank #PolarIce #ICE #Mercury #PlanetaryRadar #Radar #Arecibo