🎇 Is one of your #NewYearsResolutions to leave your comfort zone more often? Why not think big and start by applying for a #job at #RadboudUniversity! Check 👇 or https://www.ru.nl/en/working-at/job-opportunities
#newyearsresolutions #job #RadboudUniversity
Via 0.7: Steun betuigen voor sociale veiligheid (ENG below)
Dankzij Fleur Jongepier en haar besluit om de wetenschap te verlaten, is het gesprek over de sociale onveiligheid binnen de Nederlandse wetenschap weer op gang gekomen. [...]
Supporting social safety
Thanks to Fleur Jongepier and her decision to leave academia, the conversation about social unsafety within Dutch academia has been reignited.
#SocialeVeiligheid #SocialSafety #RadboudUniversity #FleurJongepier
#socialeveiligheid #socialsafety #RadboudUniversity #fleurjongepier
Via 0.7: Steun betuigen voor sociale veiligheid (ENG below)
Dankzij Fleur Jongepier en haar besluit om de wetenschap te verlaten, is het gesprek over de sociale onveiligheid binnen de Nederlandse wetenschap weer op gang gekomen. [...]
Supporting social safety
Thanks to Fleur Jongepier and her decision to leave academia, the conversation about social unsafety within Dutch academia has been reignited.
#socialeveiligheid #socialsafety #RadboudUniversity
Yesterday I had the honor to host the visit of @katjamoe at our #sociology department (#RadboudUniversity, Nijmegen). We advanced our joint work on wage growth of #caregivers compared to non-caregivers and @katjamoe gave a great talk highlighting their findings related to #caregiving and #wellbeing during the #pandemic. I enjoyed the day very much!
#sociology #RadboudUniversity #caregivers #caregiving #wellbeing #pandemic
#Humans of Radboud
Radboud Young #Academy proudly presents #Humans of Radboud: a series of interviews with students and employees from #RadboudUniversity, about an #healthy #WorkLifeBalance and self #care.
#humans #academy #RadboudUniversity #healthy #worklifebalance #care
📬 Leaky Forms: wie Webseiten eure Daten klauen
#Datenschutz #GüneşAcar #KeyLogger #KULeuven #LeakInspector #RadboudUniversity #UniversityofLausanne https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/datenschutz/leaky-forms-wie-webseiten-eure-daten-klauen-229350.html
#UniversityofLausanne #RadboudUniversity #LeakInspector #kuleuven #keylogger #GüneşAcar #datenschutz