Well, post-greeting in english.
Here, by the way, there will be a little more about us than in the russian-language post.

- Who?
- Many-headed cat .

- A little bit more about the system?
- Healthy system with 6 members. We use lables mixed-origin, unknown origin, , congenic, and traumagenic (but we don't have did/osdd). We don't know if we are median or multiple. Besides from , we have in remission, and possibly .

- Do you have a host(s) / main fronter(s)?
- Yes, purs name is Erwin/Er. Well, that's just the first name, in fact meow can be called Moon/Davy/Lu/Luu/🌘/👽. What about pronouns, they use he/it/they/meow/pur/paw/cat/moon/alien/lu/_/🌘/👽/😺/no pronouns/nameself pronouns.
Alien fronts more than 90% of the time, and most of what is written here is written by him. Usually meow is signed "🌘" or "👽" or doesn't sign in any way.
Besides the host, 😺 is also the core and maybe gatekeeper.
Moon's internal age is 17-19 years.
Cat likes to daydream, connect with people, and do stuff on (like or ). It is difficult to say something definite about it as a person, everyone speaks about him in different ways, and 👽 themself has problems with self-esteem.
🌘 is : :intersexprogresspride: :transgender: :transmasculine: :transneu: :nonbinary: :genderfluid: :demiboy: :xenogender: :neutrois: :genderqueer: :bisexual: :achillean: :v_grace: and many more identities.

- Okay, meet me to the other members.
- Okay. In fact, we know very little about them because Erwin is fronting most of the time, but I'll try to tell you what we know.

The second of us is named Variel/Fedor/Fedya. Pronouns are he/they/tea/🫖.
Usually signed ☀️/☕/🫖.
Roles are caretaker, soother and protector in some way.
Internal age: 22-26 yo.
🫖 is quiet and calm person. He likes board games.
Queer identities: :xenogender: and most likely something else, but this is still in question.

The third of us is Elizabeth/Lizzy/Liz.
Pronouns are she/he.
Usually signed ☠️.
Roles are janusian, protector, avenger /anger holder, persecutor.
Internal age: 21-24 yo.
She is the embodiment of discontent and irritation. He can be rude and angry sometimes. She likes dark aesthetics and all sorts of creepy things.
Queer identities: :sapphic:, butch, butchgender.

The fourth of us is Kaimilion/Kaimi/Kai.
Pronouns are he/him.
Usually signed 💅.
Unknown role / without role.
Internal age: uhhh, it would be nice if we knew... Definitely under 21. Most likely minor. We can’t determine the lower limit, possibly he is generally 10 yo.
Cute, funny. Likes everything pink.
Queer identity: questioning.

Next of us is Michelle/Misha.
Pronouns are she/medic/🩹/🩺/💉.
Usually signed 🐭.
Unknown role / without role.
Internal age: 15-16 yo.
Quiet, shy sociophobe. Spiritual. Love animals very much.
Queer identities: :sapphic:, questioning.

The last of us is Ronald/Ron/Mary.
Pronouns are they/them.
Usually signed ♟️.
Unknown role / without role.
Internal age: 18-20 yo.
They are kind, calm, somewhat similar to Var.
Queer identities: :transgender: :transfeminine: :bigender2: :genderfluid: and questioning.

That's all of us.

- Do you& have byf/dni?
- Yes, we have.

We are really shitpost a lot.
We are / .
We are .s.

Support any discrimination.

- That's all?
- We think yes. Bye, and see you next time! :blobcathearts:

#system #plural #endogenic #plurality #ocd #adhd #blog #ibispaint #arts #collages #queer #allinclus #Radinclus #proshipper

Last updated 2 years ago

Luna :anarchy: · @luna
824 followers · 2017 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Hiyaa I'm Luna :blobcatreach: (white,minor) I like she/it/mew pronouns and I'm a girl (of the cat variety). Very very gay and extremely :_gaysparkle:
Queer anarchist and criminal. Liberation lies in revolution. Tankie hater, cop x brick shipper. :antifa:
and free software lover,but not very skilled at computers
Devoted car hater, is the best
I like /breakcore/hiphop/rock

#neurodivergent #Radinclus #linux #solarpunk #hyperpop #introduction #anarchism #fuckcars #catgirl #ihatehashtags

Last updated 2 years ago